Frankly, he seemed open to anything at this point, so we can't read too much into that.
Just how effective advertising is to the current multitasking generation of fans is open to debate anyway.
The course is open to year 12 and 13 pupils from 30 August to 1 September.
Nor is there an avenue open to Congressional Democrats, who met with Snyder on Monday.
FORBES: How Stealth Tactics Are Making Michigan A Right To Work State
The event, at SRI in Menlo Park, California, is open to the public.
FORBES: Why An Internet Of Everything Event? "It's The World Waking Up"
The lectures are always open to the public and later published in book form.
They set it down, and the case pops open to reveal the new phone.
That these offenses should be investigated and prosecuted where appropriate is not open to question.
In other words, the minutes suited everyone, and no-one, because they were open to many interpretations.
Nutanix is currently using Fusion-io PCIe cards but is open to new PCIe card technologies.
FORBES: Explosive Growth in Flash Memory Enterprise Applications
To be fair, though, some folks on the left are open to real-world evidence.
"Grossology, " a 32-foot walk through digestive tract, will open to the public this spring.
Looking out means you are open to new ideas and able to recognize opportunities.
FORBES: 'Hard Work' isn't the only Virtue for a Small Business
Buffett suggested he would be open to buying companies in Europe or Asia, too.
Sustainable human development entails harnessing that potential and broadening the choices open to individuals.
We are open to change if it is for the good of all clubs in Scotland.
BBC: SPL clubs reach agreement over two leagues of 10 and 12
But those who want to cheat the fates still have some extreme options open to them.
We are completely open to any campaign from absolutely anywhere in the world with zero judgment.
FORBES: Full Interview: Slava Rubin on How Indiegogo Has Created Jobs
Thriving ecosystems require promiscuous behavior, where people are open to experimentation, risk-taking, and sharing ideas.
The new garden of reflection is due to open to the public in July.
BBC: Wells Bishop��s Palace stone seat for garden of reflection
Reformers want the appeals process to be more open to bona fide claims of innocence.
We addressed tax expenditure issues with the staffers, and they were open to hear us out.
The Estate is open to the public for the purpose of preservation of this historic home.
The trouble was that its landscape was wide open to threats from viruses, malware and hackers.
FORBES: Imperva CEO: Companies Are Getting It Wrong On Cybersecurity
"Now the competition is open to everyone, " Augustin Andriamananoro told the Reuters news agency.
He said he would be open to negotiations with other parties that share his vision.
WSJ: Irregularities at Polls, Strong Turnout as Pakistan Votes
Lawmakers have been conspicuously absent at convention-related events (at least those open to the press).
Pretty neat we think, and wide open to be put to even more creative use.
ENGADGET: Alt-week 9.22.12: Quantum Scotch tape, moving walls and scientific beer
That's a tiny amount of tracks compared to the number of footpaths open to walkers.
Balenciaga: Spanish Master is open to the public Nov. 19, 2010 through Feb. 19, 2011.