Now that the company has brought the project to operating status, Detour will continue to focus on organic growth, rather than exploring any merger-and-acquisition possibilities.
But Gerber can't cite any examples of investment companies going all the way from open-end status to operating company.
Until today, it's been tough for even Chromebook sympathizers to defend Chrome OS' status as a bona fide operating system.
When pushed to admit what he uses as default, it's still the iPhone -- two of them in fact -- but Woz's ability to see the best in all mobile operating systems will be sure to further confirm his status as one of tech's most liked.
People in general have an aversion to change, but Microsoft has fostered a culture where Windows users become so entrenched in the status quo that even minor tweaks to the operating system are a major shock.
People living here illegally could begin to get green cards in 10 years, but only if a new southern border security plan is in place, employers have adopted mandatory electronic verification of their workers' legal status and a new electronic exit system is operating at airports and seaports.
Last year the convention center jettisoned about a dozen supervisors and placing 23 of its 44 full-time events workers on a call-in-as-needed status, all part of an effort to slash operating costs and free up tax revenue that the city of Minneapolis might use elsewhere.
FORBES: Minneapolis City Council President Uses Bizarre Math To Push New Stadium For Vikings
After 10 years, people with provisional legal status could apply for permanent residency if the new security and fencing plans were operating, a new mandatory employment verification system was in place, and a new electronic exit system was tracking who leaves the country.
Not only do they verify an organization's 501c3 public charity status (a standard practice), but they also review an organization's operating materials to ensure that its work matches donors' expectations.
Apple has been arguably more generous when it comes to software sneak peeks than it has been with hardware, but while dues-paying developers are given the go-ahead to download operating systems ahead of their release, consumers have had to sit tight until after each iteration hits GM status.