They eventually met up after an operation lasting several hours and the woman was placed in the "most comfortable Land Rover".
But there are some very serious questions particularly the early hours of Operation Anaconda.
All participating postal branches are listed at the site, along with hours of operation.
Grand Canyon National park will reduce hours of operation at the main visitor center, affecting at least 250, 000 people.
Another challenge Kaufhof faces are the German laws governing its hours of operation.
For a list of Marinello Schools of Beauty campus locations, hours of operation or additional information call 800-648-3413 or visit
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Along with police and fire crews, the rangers battled to get the surviving cows to safety in a rescue operation that took four hours.
Measures may include canceling field trips, reducing hours of operation, hiring more part-time and fewer full-time employees, and a renewed focus on volunteerism, he said.
TechCrunch reported that the company recently debuted programming tools which will allow developers to pull in menu, pricing and hours of operation information from local restaurants into their applications.
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The itinerary list provides detailed information like hours of operation, admission and related practical concerns, plus you can print the itinerary, e-mail it to yourself, or share it via social-networking sites.
To keep the flow of goods and people moving smoothly, we will enhance and expand the work of the twenty land border Binational Port Operations Committees established in 2011, coordinate our border infrastructure investment at key border crossings and at small and remote ports of entry to, where possible, align hours of operation and co-manage facilities.
Delivering up to eight hours of continuous operation, the lightweight GD300 is powered by standard lithium-ion batteries.
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In May, North Wales Police stopped about 15 drivers, some towing motorbikes on trailers, in four hours of an operation at the Horseshoe Pass, Denbighshire.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | North East Wales | Appeal to tackle wildlife crime
It took the help of a dozen or so firefighters and others to lift the horse to safety in an operation that took about three hours.
The Metropolitan Police and its supporting forces assigned 84, 000 officer-hours to the operation and warned there would be a "swift and efficient policing response" at the first sign of trouble.
The whole operation took just over 24 hours.
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Detectives said it was too early to say whether abuse in Lancashire would be on a par with that in North Wales, but said they had taken "many calls" in the first few hours of the operation.
But we are right now less than 24 hours after this operation, so we are talking with the Pakistanis on a regular basis now, and we're going to pursue all leads to find out exactly what type of support system and benefactors that bin Laden might have had.
Each operation, involving 10-12 hours 'starvation' ahead of the general anaesthetic, left me very weak.
BBC: NEWS | Health | 'I never want to go into hospital again'
The Israeli forces moved into the street in the first hours of their ground operation.
The horse underwent surgery again 24 hours after a prolonged operation to remove a blockage of the small intestine.
Even triple world champion Cooper, who watched on television from a Melbourne hospital hours before undergoing an operation to reconstruct her shattered knee, managed a smile.
Lugo was arrested within 24 hours after co-operation from the taxi driver and security camera footage from a nearby restaurant that captured Lugo walking away with the artwork.
D.. The operation probably took five to six hours.
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Her operation lasted one and a half hours.
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President Bush told cameras this week that he knew Hastert as a pretty nice guy, but within hours the Bush press operation was telling reporters the president also wanted to let the investigation process play out.
Richard Myers estimated Tuesday, in an afternoon briefing to reporters, that the first hours of the air operation resulted in an "85 percent" success rate, and had effectively cleared away most fixed, ground-based threats to U.S. aircraft.