After Nasdaq's spring crash optics were one area that continued to show relentless appreciation.
It is why optics has been used mostly to zap data between cities and under oceans.
Advanced Medical Optics's shares jumped 143% on Jan. 12, 2009, the day the deal was announced.
To get finer about it, Gilder is pure chips, storage, fiber optics and wireless.
Small towns in isolated areas like this sometimes look to fiber optics for salvation.
"We want to tear up our own technologies, " says Carl Russo, head of Cisco's optics push.
However obvious the idea seems, zoom binoculars are rare in the stratosphere of sport optics.
He was the guy in charge of fiber optics during the telecom run-up and crash.
One day in March 2002 senior researcher Douglas Curry came up with a solution: fiber optics.
Both also had ground-based lasers that could temporarily dazzle or permanently blind the optics of satellites.
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Micro-optics is an important field of technology, and is crucial to the company's telecommunications-related product lines.
The world's tenth-largest contract electronics manufacturer has seen increased orders for printers and fiber-optics products.
Benoit Neichel, who leads this adaptive optics program for Gemini, said in a statement.
Cisco Though a laggard in optics, it has seen the light and is buying talent at a fast pace.
Although Amo Houghton is unwilling to promise any miracles, it is clear that his biggest plans involve fiber optics.
The consequences of that could be drastic, given our dependence on optics for our economic growth.
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The trick they used to perform the first refinement was a piece of basic optics.
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Fiber optics is the stuff of which businessmen's (and scientists') dreams are made.
Current companies in the program include ActiveDesk, World Housing Solutions (emergency shelters), and Axon Optics (migraine glasses).
The Central Teaching Laboratories (CTL) includes a radiation laboratory, mechanics laboratory and an optics and electronics laboratory.
Nanotechnology's role in optics lies not as much in the optics themselves, but in the manufacturing process.
This would require much better and stronger optics, the likes of which have yet to be invented.
Both models maintain their slim profiles by incorporating an ultra-thin 4x optical zoom lens with folded optics.
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's exporters from automobiles to tech and optics -- has arrived in the form of currency devaluation.
Investigators are also examining the role of Goldman bankers in trading in shares of Advanced Medical Optics Inc.
In fact, the only member of the commission with any background in engineering specializes in physics and optics.
Gunnar Optics is currently offering 20 to 30 percent off many of its anti-eyestrain computer and gaming glasses.
With adjustable optics, a more supportive headband and a prominent 7-inch display, it easily outshines its hand-built predecessor.
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With 2.0 technologies, brand new optics are required for CIOs who want to master the art of management.
Lockheed Martin built the shroud and support systems for the Hubble, while PerkinElmer and Ball both contributed optics.