That should put wind in the sails of the many other public figures who suspect they were targets.
The inquiry has involved consultations with a large number of businessmen, Labour politicians, artists and other public figures.
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Other public figures have been more forceful in taking issue with Pace's comments, making Clinton's non-answer even more problematic.
Other public figures pointed to the prowess of their country's athletes as evidence that success comes with effort and determination.
She, along with other public figures and servants, ought exercise restraint over indulgence when people are losing their homes and feeding their familes from, yes, food banks.
The documents show the authorities also investigated other public figures such as singer Roberto Carlos, TV show hosts Silvio Santos and Hebe Camargo and author Monteiro Lobato.
This was first of three summer events sponsored by the Department of Education where administration officials and other public figures will read books to children to encourage summer reading.
The paper alleges Mr Prescott and "two or three thousand" other public figures were targeted, including London Mayor Boris Johnson and former Culture Secretary Tessa Jowell, but evidence about the bugging operation was suppressed by the police and the High Court.
Last year, a number of other candidates, including 2011 Iowa straw poll winner Michelle Bachmann, as well as other national security and public policy figures, lent their names to the Peace Through Strength Platform, and its objective of applying that Reagan philosophy to contemporary challenges.
Among the 96 people who died were the chief of the Polish general staff, the head of the central bank, the director of the Institute of National Remembrance (which investigates and documents crimes such as Katyn) and many other of the country's top public figures.
ECONOMIST: Poland's President Lech Kaczynski dies in a plane crash
Other prominent figures of the fashion industry also came public to comment on the subject, some even accusing Dior of creating a farce to sack Galliano without having to pay him millions for ending his contract without a proper reason.