Scientists have mentioned the so-called Shaler outcrop but haven't yet spoken about it in great detail.
On the outcrop above the bridge, a low wind ruffles the grasses and fronds of ferns.
Set around a rocky outcrop, Mateya Safari Lodge comprises just five huge air-conditioned suites.
The summer months usually bring boatloads of African migrants to Lampedusa, a rocky outcrop between Sicily and Tunisia.
It is also a place revered by Aborigines, who conducted spiritual ceremonies on the rocky outcrop until the early 19th Century.
Greece and Turkey nearly went to war over one rocky outcrop on Mr Simitis's first day in office, in January 1996.
Prof Squyres showed a comparison of the Whitewater Lake outcrop and rocks found at the location Curiosity is exploring in Gale Crater.
From a granite outcrop beyond the shed it was possible to look down and make out black dots in the valley, which were cattle.
In the summer of 1953, Tyler was fishing from a dinghy along the northern shore of Lake Superior when he noticed an odd outcrop nearby.
Rounding a rocky island outcrop, we slipped into a sheltered bay.
They cannot put an exact age on the outcrop, but it could date to more than three billion years ago, when Mars was a wetter place.
The rover will drive up, down and inside the rim of the crater taking images of the outcrop as it goes, a procedure known as "scoot and shoot".
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Rover sets Mars distance record
Rover mission managers named the outcrop as a tribute to Mars scientist Ronald Greeley (1939-2011), who served as a mission team member and taught planetary science at Arizona State University.
MSN: A stunning close-up of Mars taken by visiting NASA rover
Opportunity made it across four metres (12 feet) on its drive and is now poised to continue observing parts of the rocky outcrop that sticks out of the crater where it has landed.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Rover sets Mars distance record
This outcrop contains yet finer grains but it is cut through with veins that the rover's ChemCam laser spectrometer indicates hold precipitated minerals - most likely hydrated calcium sulphate, possibly bassinite or gypsum.
The laser scanning technology enabled us to investigate the natural environment in a completely new light by bringing the outcrop with its inaccessible cliffs, volcanic fissures and lava lakes into the computer where it could be analysed.
Marco notes that the nearest basalt outcrop was a few hundred meters from the site, and that the stones, which were three to six feet (one to two meters) in width, would have weighed over 200 pounds (90 kilograms) at times.
It was triggered by a visit by Mr Sharon, then the main opposition leader, to the rocky outcrop in Jerusalem that Jews call Temple Mount, Muslims call Haram al-Sharif (the Noble Sanctuary) and both regard as among the holiest of places on earth.