So the outstanding question becomes what can Page do now he is CEO to bring his vision of systemic innovation to life?
The big outstanding question for the Treasury, therefore, is whether it is prepared to expose taxpayers to the probability that some businesses and households, who may deserve to be kept afloat, would not be able to repay all of what they owe.
The devil will of course be in the detail, and one outstanding question is how ruthless the banks will be in restricting redress to those small businesses that are so small that they are the equivalent of retail customers in the FSA's rules.
That still leaves one outstanding thorny question: whether the modern trend to stick private banks together with riskier investment banks and hedge funds still makes sense.
With the case of Illumina, while Jay Flatley is without question an outstanding CEO, much credit is also due to the revolutionary microarray-technology that enabled Illumina to grow on the turf of Affymetrix.
Your question is an outstanding one -- in both senses of the word.
"Both sides have agreed to continue this momentum, while seeking to resolve outstanding issues, including the boundary question through peaceful dialogue and consultations, and with mutual sensitivity to each other's concerns, " the foreign ministry statement said.
With a population of around 140 million and a reputation for producing stars such as Austin Okocha, Nwankwo Kanu and Chelsea's John Obi Mikel, the outstanding qualities of Nigerian football are beyond question.
Without question, Jorge Posada was an outstanding ball player in the era in which he had played.
FORBES: Jorge Posada Spurns Nomadic Lifestyle Of An Aging Superstar
It is a great question, but it is also outstanding in the sense that it has yet to be definitively answered.
The big question about this week's deal is to what extent the outstanding questions will be fudged in the coming months.
Musharraf, who has been living in London, said no outstanding legal actions were keeping him from returning to Pakistan, although he deflected a question from former U.S. ambassador Nicholas Pratt on just how he would go about seeking office again.