• He was not a great improviser, but his solos, painstakingly scripted over long hours in the studio with Springsteen, were set pieces in every show.

    NEWYORKER: We Are Alive

  • Dudamel, as always, brought absolute clarity to the highly complex score and he made sure that not a moment of the work (well over two hours long) slumped.

    FORBES: Dudamel And The L.A. Philharmonic At Lincoln Center

  • Employment law states workers can work more than 48 hours in one week, as long as the average over 17 weeks is less than 48 hours per week.

    BBC: Devon and Somerset firefighters threaten legal action

  • Truckers must be over 21, willing to spend long hours away from home, speak English and have no felony convictions.

    ECONOMIST: Gridlock on the rails, roads and ports of America

  • Hence, in order to ensure effective literacy skills acquisition by learners, the KGALP provides participants with free and adequate learning materials, basic stationery and obligates them to attend classes three times a week (on average, each class is three hours long) over a period of six months.

    UNESCO: Kha Ri Gude (Let Us Learn) Adult Literacy Programme (KGALP)

  • Junior doctors are also deeply unhappy with the long hours - sometimes well over 60 a week - claiming it affects their performance, putting patient care at risk.

    BBC: Junior doctors still heading for strike

  • He's also an avid concert-goer and will travel around much of California to see his beloved hard rock bands, often taking long late-night trips over many hours on freeways.

    CNN: How to combat drowsy driving

  • She argues for federal support for child care and after-school care, and control over flex-time for employees whose long hours usually come at the expense, emotionally and financially, of their families.

    CNN: Women gaining political power

  • It is this belief that sustains me through long hours of discussions with clients over many complicated documents.

    WHITEHOUSE: Champions of Change Blog

  • Filing taxes requires 72 separate steps and over 400 hours a year, twice as long as in Trinidad and Tobago.

    ECONOMIST: Jamaica at 50

  • Actually, what I had was 0.53 in Bitcoin, the virtual currency whose wild gyrations over the last 24 hours have raised questions about its long-term viability.

    BBC: The Bitcoin bubble

  • Indiana Pacer forward Paul George has guarded LeBron James during many hours over the course of many months throughout a long NBA season.

    FORBES: Connect

  • Over the past three decades, they came in waves, working long hours in sweatshops, construction sites and assembly plants, enduring poor working conditions in order to save a little cash to remit home.

    CNN: China grapples with growing labor discontent

  • The women trudge through the city for 48 hours wearing special backpacks, each with a long tube that is slung over the shoulder.

    CNN: Toxic chemicals finding their way into the womb

  • I've articulated the pleasure of birding, in much the same way, and if only to myself, when I'm alone in the woods and trying to dissect my ability to spend hours with my binoculars focused on something 6 inches long a thousand feet away, my glasses fogging over, and my neck and arms aching.

    WSJ: Park Filmmakers Wing It

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