The excess insulin triggers the liver to produce an overabundance of triglycerides, which gum up already-narrow arteries.
One compelling story about the continued lag in the housing market is one of overabundance.
Spectrum is a valuable and finite resource, but it seems that Sprint has an overabundance of the stuff.
ENGADGET: Sprint reportedly wooing Dish with spectrum sharing and MVNO possibilities
What is to prevent an overabundance of freeloaders from bringing down the system?
Deleterious resemblances were found, including an overabundance of crosshatching and overly curly hair.
FORBES: Eric Hebborn Wants To Teach You How To Forge Art. Got A Pen? [Book Excerpt #2]
What caused the spike up over the past several trading days was an imbalance or overabundance of sellers versus buyers.
Despite the overabundance of European regulations, there is apparently none to require banks to raise capital or face being shut down.
With the increasing overabundance of inane content flooding the web these days, rarely do I find an article that moves me.
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Tufts Hillel Director Rabbi Jeffrey Summit later wrote him claiming that the talk was cancelled due to an overabundance of pro-Israel speakers on campus.
The challenge in those cases was instead an overabundance of information.
Not an overabundance of prescience was required in reaching this conclusion.
They know that heart disease, for example, tends to occur in patients with an overabundance of any of these things: low-density lipoprotein, triglycerides, C-reactive protein or homocysteine.
Now in the age of consumption, in the age of social media, we all suffer from leaks, an overabundance that ripped back the veil to a certain degree.
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As it is common with athletes who have enjoyed an overabundance of success and wealth, Derek Jeter has accumulated as many critics and naysayers as he has hits.
FORBES: An Unconventional Look At Derek Jeter's Journey To 3,000 Hits
Personally, it was quite disappointing to see an overabundance of ball clubs excessively spending on amateur talent while their major league rosters are currently suffering from instability, disarray and neglect.
FORBES: Is it Time for a Blue Ribbon Panel on the Economics of Baseball's Amateur Draft?
Quite simply, an overabundance of fans had voted for the Yankee shortstop as a tribute for whom Derek Jeter the ball player used to be and not for whom he is today.
FORBES: An Unconventional Look At Derek Jeter's Journey To 3,000 Hits
Extrapolating from the area's limited renown for an overabundance of gophers, whose destructive burrowing has always brought armed retaliation from local farmers, the museum used stuffed gophers to portray daily life in Torrington.
As Loria and the Miami Marlins will be on the receiving end of an overabundance of harsh criticism in the days ahead, we cannot forget the significance of the trade for the Toronto Blue Jays.
FORBES: Misfortunes of the Marlins Could Lead the Blue Jays to the Postseason
If you are a fan of reality TV, you have probably noticed an overabundance of house-flipping shows, and each show paints a picture of a little hard work followed by nearly risk-free profit for those who endure.
With an overabundance of highly motivated graduates with impressive degrees entering the work force each spring, Major League Baseball can capitalize on the apprehensions of young adults when it comes to pursuing traditional and unstable careers in banking, financial services and law.
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If peak oil theorists believe we're rapidly running out of a major resource, the institute postulates that technology itself is advancing so rapidly that society will have an overabundance of it -- and an artificial intelligence is set to emerge that will not necessarily pursue mankind's best interests.