The painter claimed that on religious festivals, the brothels and dance halls in his neighborhood overflow with customers.
CNN: Painting prostitutes, Pakistani brushes off religious hard-liners
And iPhones coast-to-coast will overflow with push notifications blasting the latest trade rumors.
It is a fervent wish that every cup may overflow with blessings rich and eternal, and that every path may lead to peace.
Throughout this Unesco world heritage site, the candlelit streets overflow with parades, colourful markets and impromptu parties, along with costumed revellers in wildly macabre masks.
Among the reasons: There's less competition, the season puts people in a receptive mood, and all those parties and family gatherings overflow with networking opportunities.
By mid-afternoon, the smoke from the kitchens would clear and the strip of road along PR-184 would suddenly overflow with locals, hungry for food and live meringue music.
Toilets in government offices overflow with proffered condoms.
But I got to say, you know, compared to Senator Barack Obama's welcome with overflow crowds, upwards of five, six thousand people, this is a lot more a McCain affair, and people were very cautious.
The overflow service ran long with cathartic wails of the young widow and sobbing kids from the school where Shavers was a band teacher.
Whitney Tilson and Glenn Tongue, managing partners of New York investment firm T2 Partners LLC, both asked questions this year after taking part in a drawing held in an "overflow room, " a ballroom with a video link that accommodates hundreds of attendees who arrive late or can't find seats in the main auditorium.
In Albany County, several shelters accept sex offenders as part of their contract with the county, but there is sometimes overflow, acting Social Services Commissioner David Kircher said.
This left many believing that they would have to game on their own, as the overflow server would prevent them from being able to slay fiends with friends.
The main objection is that the premium supports wouldn't keep pace with the rising health costs that Medicare now promotes, forcing seniors to pay for the overflow out of pocket.
WSJ: Joseph Rago: The Forgotten History of Ryan's Medicare Reform
Unlike Mr Austin, Mr Berdeaux maintains cordial relations with his neighbour, the National Park Service (from whom he snares a sizeable number of overflow visitors).