Cohen sees a place for both conventional and oversize cards, especially for people in creative fields.
So movers brought in the Copelands' sectional sofa, armchair and library table through an oversize window.
Letter size a green voucher, oversize a yellow voucher, parcel size a maroon voucher.
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Those rules are reversed at the city limits, where oversize hauls must move at night.
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Since World War II, the U.S. has recruited an oversize share of the world's best brains.
Each tent has a fireplace, oversize bathtub (behind a wooden screen) and glass-encased shower stall.
At six-foot-two and 245 pounds, he tried to hide his girth with oversize sweaters and pleated pants.
The oversize blankets are woven of hemp and hand dyed with French flowers, American chestnuts and indigo.
It has a commercial-size gourmet kitchen, an oversize ballroom, a conservatory, an indoor spa and a secret vault.
"It stops it from looking too secretarial if you wear it with something oversize on top, " she added.
As she peeked into my stuffed closet, I confessed to a daytime uniform of oversize jeans and a T-shirt.
The graceful yet relatively controlled cursive script fills three columns on two oversize scrolls (27 inches by 105 inches).
It passed from family ownership in the memorable year of 1929 and for several decades has been an oversize funeral parlor (below).
Harvard has oversize positions in emerging-market stocks and private equity partnerships, both disaster areas in the past eight months.
This means almost nothing is lost to overhead, fundraising expense or oversize surpluses.
Two sets of two oversize tan leather seats face each other, and two more seats make up a third row.
Huge floor-to-ceiling cupboards hide anything as pedestrian as a kettle or toaster, and the oversize table has a monumental feel.
"I have a plastic sleeve that holds 10 business cards, " she says, and she cuts oversize cards to make them fit.
In the splendid travertine-faced bath, an oversize tub in the middle of the room afforded a view to the garden below.
Its body bulged and bent, arms akimbo, and atop its vinyl shoulders sat an oversize skull and crossbones for a head.
It's no surprise that the doll, with its oversize forehead, neutral facial expression and enormous, alien eyes, didn't appeal to children.
An oversize freezer takes up most of the dining room, and the porch is lined with canned food and paper products.
But when it does, you can bet shoppers will line up for cheap versions of its oversize club chairs and candle trees.
We are now at a point where it is almost impossible to imagine a functioning capital market without an oversize role for government.
Tiny Ireland, with its oversize banks, has just augmented its insurance scheme by giving a blanket government guarantee to bank deposits and liabilities.
The wealth can be seen everywhere, from the oversize homes built by some of the tuna kings to the pricey vehicles on the streets.
Called "The Argument, " the painting depicts a street scene and a couple of men who look like minstrels in blackface, with oversize red lips.
Drinking oversize sodas falls into this category: The sugar-swiller is hurting no one but himself, and he should be persuaded, not compelled, to lay off.
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Travis Phelps, spokesman for the Washington State Department of Transportation, said a flatbed truck with an oversize load hit the upper part of the steel-lattice bridge.
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The couple did extensive renovations on the space, resulting in a new kitchen, baseboard cast-iron heating system and an oversize spa tub in the master bathroom.