There are real stories out there of real people in the real middle class, or overtime-working poor, who do not have access to health insurance.
But Celera's sequencing machines and super-computers are working overtime on this much larger project.
We are well aware that the printing presses have been working overtime at the Fed.
Motive: Goldman was working overtime to unload the CDO it had created to investors.
As NPR's Deborah Amos reports, the U.N. offices in charge of registering Iraqi refugees are working overtime.
Stung by Mr O'Neill's criticism, the World Bank's bureaucrats have been working overtime to prove him wrong.
While I was looking, a Florida based phone repair crew was working overtime to get service restored.
Members of the Fire Brigades Union (FBU) are not working overtime and are refusing to cover staff shortages.
Without the opportunity to earn more for working overtime, I had less control over my income from that job.
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This year, as in the past, the Chinese government has been working overtime.
President Obama's re-election team is working overtime to paint Romney as someone who is rich and out of touch.
CNN: Obama, Romney ratchet up back and forth over outsourcing
The government is also working overtime to make Hefei a more livable city.
Versions of this nighttime drama keep many people working overtime in their sleep.
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If the door motor is working overtime all afternoon long, for example, they see a tall red bar on a chart.
They must be working overtime down there in Washington at the Mint.
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The appointment is so surprising that everyone's inner Machiavelli is working overtime.
Mr Rhodes explains that the air conditioning unit has been working overtime.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Taking the heat out of energy costs
So on the handset side, they've been working overtime, producing, for instance, the world's smallest, lightest and most compact third-generation video cell phone.
Developers have been working overtime to churn out apps for the iPad and for the growing number of tablets that will use Android.
Years of working overtime with no promotion and several pay cuts may have taken a perceptible toll on your performance and attitude at work.
Likewise, many office workers could avoid a drop in productivity by anticipating the extra day off, working overtime to compensate for the lost shift.
The Fed is working overtime trying to fix the banking system.
Much of that will be driven by air conditioners working overtime.
Quanta's employees are working overtime as Apple Chief Executive Steve Jobs puts the final touches on his June 9 keynote at the company's annual developer conference.
However, after the 1996 capital gains tax cut got our economic pipe fitters working overtime, the Fed stood idly by while the our monetary water pressure fell.
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At the same time, the public relations departments at universities and other publishing institutions are working overtime to sell journalists on the significance of allegedly important research.
FORBES: Journalists Take Note: Harvard Affiliate Apologizes for Promoting "Weak" Study
But one stat that will have had Ireland's coaching staff working overtime is a penalty count that reached 14 at Twickenham, the highest of Declan Kidney's reign.
The firm said some drivers were working overtime to reduce the impact and "a number of changes to the way we resource our train services" would also help.