The new approach attacks the molecular mechanism by which tumors get their oxygen supply.
Should the worst happen and the pope come under attack, his compartment has its own oxygen supply.
He is 74 years old, has chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and is attached permanently to an oxygen supply.
At Sunday's jump altitude, the air pressure is less than 2% of what it is at sea level, and it is impossible to breathe without an oxygen supply.
But he said it was possible that the oxygen surges which follow the repeated oxygen supply restrictions in the night could have a damaging effect on the liver.
The court was told on Friday that Mr Macia had suffered extensive injuries, culminating in hypoxia - a lack of oxygen supply to the body - causing his death.
"The AAP recognizes that monitors may be helpful to allow rapid recognition of apnea, airway obstruction, respiratory failure, interruption of supplemental oxygen supply, or failure of mechanical respiratory support, " the group states.
ENGADGET: Researchers use wireless network to monitor breathing, could save lives
To digress for a moment, it was biologist Felix Meerson who showed that high-altitude chambers where oxygen supply is limited, triggers an adaptive response that produces humans with profound mental capabilities and resistance against disease.
Its maker, a Dutch alchemist called Cornelius van Drebbel, is thought to have used a primitive oxygen-supply system, based on saltpetre, to prevent the crew from asphyxiating.
On that occasion, oxygen was pumped into the vessel to supplement the crew's air supply but all it did was fuel the flames of a fire which had already started, raising the temperature on board to 1, 000 degrees Celsius.
Nitrogen, methane, helium, water, carbon-oxygen compounds and hydrogen produced from mining, could permit food growth and development of a water supply for lunar inhabitants.