After forty years of experience coordinating the PacificTsunamiWarningSystem (PTWS), UNESCO-IOC is leading a global effort to establish ocean-based tsunamiwarning systems as part of an overall multi-hazard disaster reduction strategy.
As a consequence, the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO-IOC) has since 1965 been responsible for the intergovernmental coordination of the PacificTsunamiWarningSystem (PTWS).
Since the mid 1960s, UNESCO has had the responsibility of coordinating the Tsunami Early WarningSystem in the Pacific and following the devastating Sumatra earthquake in 2004, which resulted in widespread death and destruction across the region, UNESCO has been responsible for the Indian Ocean system as well.
Warnings for the system are presently issued by the PacificTsunamiWarning Centre based in Hawaii and the Japanese North-West PacificTsunami Advisory Centre based in Tokyo.