As well as the money for airlines, the package includes an ambitious plan for compensating families of victims in the attacks.
In addition to the money for airlines, the package includes an ambitious plan for compensating families of victims in the September 11 attacks.
The emerging health-reform package has a master plan for this problem.
But NHS public health director Laurence Gruer said the action plan was the right package of "tough but sensible" measures to tackle smoking addiction.
Dr. Noor Jehan Panezai, MP, who represents the region in Western Pakistan where the pipeline will run, welcomes the plan as an employment package for her constituents.
If tax cuts for individuals and businesses are added to the package, support for the stimulus plan jumps 13 points, to 71 percent, and opposition drops 12 points, to 28 percent.
The move was part of a package of measures known as the Collor Plan, aimed at combating the country's chronic high inflation.
In addition UNESCO offers an attractive benefits package including 30 days annual vacation, pension plan and medical insurance.
Obama said Sunday he's confident that his economic package will have Republican support once the final plan is hammered out.
With the ThunderBolt by HTC, customers will need to subscribe to a Verizon Wireless Nationwide Talk plan and a 4G LTE data package.
ENGADGET: Verizon Wireless stops being coy, confirms HTC Thunderbolt for March 17th at $249.99
McLaren, who plan to unveil a massive upgrade package next month, are already perceived to be nosing ahead of rivals Ferrari, who still have work to do on the new F60.
The deleterious effect of these cuts on the readiness, sustainability and deterrent value of the U.S. military and its supporting industrial and technology base is likely to be compounded by the emerging plan for a Western financial aid package for the Soviet Union.
"You couldn't combine the Obama health plan and the Rangel tax plan and put them together in one package, " he says.
The plan is part of a larger appropriations package that, among other things, eased sanctions on Cuba and provided aid to farmers in Vermont.
Now that the budget deal has been struck with the Liberal Democrats, we get to see the details of the Welsh government's "Economic Stimulus Package, " or how Labour here in Wales plan to spend the extra money they got because the UK coalition decided to freeze council tax in England.
As Obama tried to rally support for his massive economic package, he stayed away from specifics on how the plan would be implemented.
Obama's plan is pretty clear: Push a stimulus package through Congress ASAP, and have it ready for the new president to sign on January 20.
In November Russia rescued Belarus's crippled economy with a generous package, as part of Mr Putin's grand plan for a Eurasian Union that will also include Kazakhstan.
Salary, pension, health care, stock-purchase plan and the rest were part of "the package".
He is by no means sure this plan will ultimately be part of the tax reform package.
FORBES: Sen. Schumer Adamant 15% Tax On Carried Interest Be Raised To 35%
The Formula One Teams Association (Fota) said as well as a package for 2010, an agreement for a cost-cutting plan for 2009 had also been reached.
Any contingency plan would likely have to offer Greece some form of severance package to keep its government and banking system afloat.
The wide-ranging counter-terrorism package requested by the administration includes a beefed-up domestic airport security plan, improved security for U.S. military troops stationed overseas and more FBI agents.
The three year plan, which Socrates claimed is based on his fourth austerity package which an opposition-held Parliament rejected, gives Portugal more time to fix its finances.
FORBES: Portugal's $116B IMF-EU Bailout Extends Recession For Two Years
The plan accentuates one of the agency's strong points: Package delivery has increased by 14 percent since 2010, officials say, while the delivery of letters and other mail has plummeted.
Others have suggested that proponents of the plan may have muddled the message by trying to sell the package as a traffic fix, a jobs creator, and an economic development tool.
Several times Iran postponed the resumption of uranium conversion, which can be a step towards fashioning a nuclear bomb, while Britain, France and Germany, with American support, worked on a package of economic and political incentives for Iran to give up its nuclear plan.
Responding to years of criticism that the labels of prescription drugs do not do enough to impact the way doctors and patients use medicines, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is announcing a plan to put much clearer and more concise prescribing information on the package inserts for new drugs.
The plan currently under consideration temporarily restores the expensing provisions of the 2008 stimulus package.