Paid-up life insurance policies will be MECs, with earnings taxed first on cash withdrawals or loans.
And the true players were elected politicians and paid-up party members, not aides or manipulators or journalists.
Of course, personal ties do not necessarily make Mr Kerry a fully-paid-up New Democrat like Bill Clinton.
He was active in the civil-rights movement, and a paid-up Democrat until the Robert Bork debacle of 1987.
And a union call to down tools is invariably answered by far more than just the union's paid-up members.
For this reason we would not recommend that all funds allocated to tax-free bonds be diverted to paid-up life insurance.
Without long-term, paid-up capital, it is hard to write multi-year policies, let alone to organise insurance-backed bond issues or derivatives.
The tax-free earnings of paid-up life insurance give it a built-in advantage as its yields are closer to taxable bond returns.
Her lawyer, Galen Clark (paid-up member of the Kentucky Bar) said the prosecutor tried to negotiate a plea bargain but Tarpinian refused.
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Existing tax-free bonds could be liquidated to invest in paid-up life insurance if there is little or no gain on their sale.
Shoven would instantly establish what he calls a "paid-up worker" category, which would exempt people who have worked for 40 years from payroll taxes.
Several times a year we help our clients consider the use of paid-up participating whole life as an alternative to the tax-free bonds they own.
It is only at this stage that the Tory Party at large gets involved, with a postal ballot of paid-up members choosing between the two survivors.
Whether the paid-up life insurance should be in an irrevocable trust or similar entities depends on whether the tax-free bonds are estate assets or outside the estate.
But the Treasury and the Bank of England both point out that Sir Mervyn is a fully paid-up member of a staggeringly generous Bank of England pension scheme.
Advertising "unlimited skips" is a clear jab at Pandora, but it's not immediately clear if you'll still need a premium paid-up account for truly unlimited listening (well, maybe not).
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Even if no one has mailed in premium payments for years, the policy might be in force because at some point it became "paid-up, " meaning accumulated dividends are enough to cover annual premiums.
By including both the cost of paid-up capital and off-balance-sheet capital, managers and investors would be more accurate in their estimates of a company's true cost of capital, and therefore of a company's real value.
Our various calculations indicate, from a historical perspective going back 20 to 30 years, that paid-up participating whole life would have provided 200 to 300 basis points better performance measured from the time of purchase until the insureds' life expectancies.
ProQuest manufactured (i.e. scanned, indexed, etc.) and paid the up-front costs, and it sells the archive in the library market.
You can giggle at the prices being paid for start-up app companies.
He also said that all current workers' accrued second state pension rights will be recognised, so they will be paid a top-up to the new, merged, flat-rate payment.
This new agreement, made public Friday afternoon, amounts to a full and final settlement of all claims against RIM, as well as a perpetual, fully-paid up license for the disputed patents.
Redknapp said his positive approach at Eastlands - starting with two strikers and the likes of Aaron Lennon in the starting line-up - had paid rich dividends, with Peter Crouch grabbing a deserved winner on 82 minutes.
This is because the new fees and grants are to be paid up-front by the government and only repaid by students once they are working: in the short term, universities that over-recruit will be stretching the education budget.
Securitisation created a serious agency problem, leaving loan originators, who were paid up-front, with no incentive to avoid bad credits and every reason to piggyback inappropriate products onto good ones (in one particularly depressing tale, a retired postal worker whose mortgage is almost paid off is switched to an interest-only product that leaves him in danger of losing his home).
And that is after signing a bunch more pre-paid supply chain agreements to lock-up the tablet market even more than they have already.
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Future trends could also benefit Walmart as pre-paid smartphone sales heat up and contract based plans get a boost from lower-priced handsets.
At some technology and energy companies, which tend to have a better-paid workforce, up to 80% of employees do.
If the principal is paid within the lock-up period, new loans will be added to the ABS with the principal payment that makes the pool of credit card receivables unchanged.