Wielding a paintbrush skilfully mattered less, so artists could be successful before (or without) refining their techniques.
In the 1920s, though, it seemed that Steichen was forsaking his paintbrush so he could peddle bourgeois fantasies.
Gradually, the shades of the sky merge into one, like a paintbrush jiggled in a jar of water.
But engineers soon realized that one day they would be trying to paint a 1-inch line with a 2-inch paintbrush.
Authors and artists do not generally consult the statute books before deciding whether or not to pick up pen or paintbrush.
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Kanayama Akira used an automatic toy car in lieu of a paintbrush, and Yoshihara Michio made paintings by riding his bicycle through the pigments.
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The 18-year-old did the running repairs himself with a paintbrush to change the offending McILrory on his otherwise impressive Great Britain and Ireland bag.
She took a paintbrush and drew meticulous golden lines on it.
It was like painting a 2-inch line with a 1-inch paintbrush.
But the endless meadows filled with a purple-blue ocean of lupine, or the sunset orange-red of the Indian paintbrush (Wyoming's state flower) will leave you speechless.
In the game, Mickey's paintbrush is better at dealing with other cartoon characters, while Oswald's high-tech gear more effectively takes on robots and other mechanical obstacles.
Instead, they stroke the paintbrush across an already murky canvas, across an unbeautiful thing, lull you in, ask you to put your own paint on their path.
Pick up that paintbrush or guitar that has laid long-neglected.
And throughout the day, Berkowitz and Jeff Skilling struggled mightily with each other to see who was going to control the paintbrush, and which landscape the jury was going to see.
Years later, what you thought was a daub by a chimp with a paintbrush turns out to be an old master - and you have to pay through the nose for it!
Nitsch's fondness for retro visualizations don't end there, however, he also created a system that superimposes a gaggle of characters in the wake of a physical paintbrush using a Kinect and a projector.
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In the pre-filmed segment he reviewed designs sent in by children and recalled how he had enjoyed watching one of Blue Peter's past presenters reuse a detergent bottle to create a paintbrush holder.
In the warehouse district just east of downtown Los Angeles, an artist is working on his latest masterpiece only for this artist, the paintbrush is an electric tattoo gun, and the canvas is human skin.
The scientists, based in the Netherlands and Germany, used an ultra-speed camera and a hydrophone in an aquarium to record what happened when seven individual shrimps closed their claws in response to being tickled by a paintbrush.
But from the saddle and far into the heart of the Dixie Dude's 750 acres, I'm looking at a landscape crafted by Wayne and Eastwood: dried creeks, prickly pears, untamed, unpeopled hillsides of brush inflamed with a red-orange covering of the flower known as Indian paintbrush.