Take a piece of foil about 25 inches long, fold it into thirds lengthwise, and fasten the ends with a paper clip.
Yet, finding the informational paper clip in the dustbin is still so much of what we in the trusted media do for our audience.
There are a few more inventive tactics that are increasingly becoming popular among thieves, such as constructing a rubber band and paper clip hook that sucks up products under the sleeve.
You could lock Bill Belichick in a closet with a paper clip and velociraptors, and he'd come back 15 minutes later with 80 pounds of veloci-steaks and six draft picks from the Raiders.
She could barely throw out a twisted paper clip or a fridge magnet that had lost its attraction, let alone the dish of Irish coins that she and Rich had brought home from a trip fifteen years ago.
The sense of the century unfurling is heightened by chronological order in which the inventions are presented, from the first (the paper clip, devised in 1900 by a Norwegian, Johann Vaaler, living in Germany) to the last (Prozac, which was introduced commercially in Belgium in 1986).
One moment they are appointing paper-clip monitors to deal with the supply of paper clips.
Do that half a dozen times or so and the paper-clip will snap in two.
To snap a typical paper-clip in tension by clamping one end and tugging on the other would require a force of 50lbs or so.
The next the head of the paper-clip department is calling compulsory meetings.
Like the paper-clip, the airframe and its alloy skin are stressed first in one direction as the cabin is pressurised while climbing to its cruising altitude, and then in the opposite direction when depressurised during descent for landing.
Not to stop there, Samsung is also upping the ante with new additions such as Easy Clip, Quick Command, Photo Note, Paper Artist and an enhanced S Note app.
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Also, in contrast to the tiny clips on the Scribe receiver, the large clipboard-style clip on the ZPen is capable of gripping onto whole pads of paper and affixing it to a new piece of sheet starts a new page in the virtual pad, another thoughtful touch.
ENGADGET: Switched On: More options for getting from scribble to screen