It is calculated by dividing the annual coupon payment by the par value of the bond.
But more than half of this equity is comprised of par value loans she transferred from other CLOs.
The Federal Reserve would step in with an offer to buy any and all Treasuries at par value.
FORBES: Democrats Want To Raise Debt Ceiling? GOP Should Demand Growth Initiatives
At present, we can have no guarantee that the sales of these bonds will occur at par value.
Bund futures were trading around 145.33 on Wednesday, 45 percent over par value.
For every ten shares of stock issued, the split will combine them into one share without any change in par value.
FORBES: Citigroup Reinstates Dividend, Reduces Share Count With Reverse Stock Split
Portfolio loans are typically booked at par value rather than market value.
Unnervingly for other banks, many of which carry their commercial-property loans at close to par value, Goldman marks its portfolio at half that.
Lottery bonds are a type of government bond that has a chance to be randomly redeemed at a value that is higher than par value.
It is important to note that the nominal yield does not estimate return accurately unless the current bond price is the same as its par value.
Some go so far as to say that if a bond is insured and bondholders receive back the par value, no default has taken place, just an unscheduled call.
FORBES: Even If A Bond Doesn't Default, You Can Still Lose Your Money
Thus if Tilton buys, holds or even originates loans at a discount of, say, 60 cents on the dollar, she is permitted to record them at par value, or 100, so long as they continue to pay interest.
Thus if Tilton buys, holds or even originates loans at a discount of, say, 80 cents on the dollar, she is permitted to record them at par value or 100, so long as they continue to pay interest.
FORBES: Lynn Tilton's Financial Empire: More Details, More Trouble
The willingness to take a chance on blemished credits pushed below-investment grade securities above par value for the first time since before the financial crisis, up from a nadir of 55 cents on the dollar in December of 2008, according to Bank of America Merrill Lynch.
FORBES: Ford And Icahn Look Like Better Bond Bets Than Uncle Sam
Alexander Hamilton, our first secretary of the Treasury, and a very good one, redeemed all of the Revolutionary War debt at par value, and he said the 'full faith and credit' of the United States must be inviolate, among other reasons because it will be necessary in a crisis to be able to borrow.
WSJ: The Weekend Interview with George Shultz: Memo to Romney��Expand the Pie
This material showed a positive trend (up 12.8 percent) to exceed 15 million timepieces, on a par with their value, which increased by 13.9 percent.
The bond fell as much as 4%, or as low as 96, from its face value at par.
In time, a globally traded yuan could emerge as a store of value on par with the dollar, euro and yen.
Following a prominent fund's "breaking of the buck"--that is, a decline in its net asset value below par--in September, investors began to withdraw funds in large amounts from money market mutual funds that invest in private instruments such as commercial paper and certificates of deposit.
That technology, he claimed, could potentially help Ivanhoe achieve a market value on a par with Google.
That technology, he claimed, could potentially help Ivanhoe achieve a market value on a par with Google (nasdaq: GOOG - news - people ).
But for your Uncle Al living in Boca, if he is paying 20% over the value of Treasury bonds at par today to get interest payments of just 1.6%, he is going to get next to nothing in real income after inflation, and he is going to watch the value of his bond plummet once interest rates start rising again, forecast to occur by 2014.
Say the rate on the Spanish bond was 5% and Corzine was able to purchase at a 10% discount to par (100) or 90% of face value.
FORBES: Jon Corzine: Criminal Or Just Plain Old-Fashioned Stupid?
Why he thought a discounted 3% bond was better value than a 5% bond sold at par is unclear.
ECONOMIST: What did early 19th-century literary characters live on?
The salvage value historically has averaged about 40% of par.
The electorate hesitates to accept flat taxes and the like at face value: Steve Forbes, flat-taxer par excellence, got nowhere in his bid for the presidency in 1996, while Bob Dole's proposal for a 15% cut in tax rates was ridiculed.
Mr. Hesse has been trying for a year or more, using various tactics and strategies, to diminish the value of Clearwire so he could acquire it at a sub par price.
FORBES: Sprint's Hesse Underbidding For Clearwire, Still Hopes Shareholders Can Be Duped
There is no doubt that the Dodgers will see their franchise value drop between 2011 and 2012, and may be on par with the 6% reduction that befell the NY Mets between 2010 and 2011.
FORBES: Selig Correct To Take Control Of Dodgers From McCourt
Our all value team players earned less than the average, but performed well over par.