The sessions look at the use of punctuation, sentences, paragraph construction and concise writing.
Pssst, for the record, I did acknowledge female seminarians in paragraph four of the original article.
He said Mr. Hollande will push for adding a paragraph to the fiscal treaty on growth.
As so often happens with medical terms, its best if we decode that last paragraph backwards.
Updates to add a comment from technology entrepreneur and academic Vivek Wadhwa in eighth paragraph.
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Her two-paragraph blog on April 16 got nearly 373, 000 hits and over 4, 400 comments.
Impressed that we wrote the whole first paragraph of this review out on the screen?
At this point, I put on a Fennesz album and started finishing this paragraph.
Society once counted on universities to imbue students with the traits named in the paragraph above.
The recommendation concerning the nominee, contained in paragraph 3 of the nomination form, should be concise.
Here's the key paragraph from the statement that the Bank put out first thing this morning.
Four rockets landed there with a boom as your correspondent was writing this paragraph.
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It's hard to sum up my experiences with the readership of Engadget in one paragraph.
When you come to the money paragraph, as it were, you have to do the math yourself.
It's a collection of news, tidbits and gossip told better in a paragraph than in a page.
Every page of Dickens contains a paragraph to warm to and a paragraph to veer back from.
We'd amend that first paragraph slightly: There was, it seemed to us, a strong undercurrent of nostalgia.
Paragraph 12 of the NBA uniform player contract specifies the off-court prohibited activities that players must avoid.
The word "sorry" was not inserted anywhere, but "apologize" did appear in the sixth and final paragraph.
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Beneath the brutal final paragraph, he signs his name in slashing strokes, as if wielding a knife.
Often a photo, a design or a song captures a thrust far better than a carefully tinkered paragraph.
See how the data answers those questions via this video, or, alternately, in the paragraph following the clip.
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Which means, hopefully, that you came out of that first paragraph with a bit better understanding of math.
Spiegel magazine reported that the minister had also used a paragraph from the US Embassy website without attribution.
Try I had a low self esteem because since we got married I felt like the paragraph above.
After months of further inquiries, Yau responded with another single paragraph on Nov. 13, again devoid of any insight.
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Here is a paragraph from the Chicago Tribune quoting a Toyota statement as reported from Tokyo by Reuters.
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This is the lead paragraph from a Washington Post story by Chris Cillizza.
Mexico, France and Germany said the paragraph has no place in the resolution and could set a dangerous precedent.
Editor's note: An earlier version of this column included an incomplete quote from Bill Clinton in the last paragraph.