• Germany's attitude proved critical to the question of whether this "parsimonious" group could win the day.

    BBC: Cameron touches raw nerve

  • But those that spend a fortune do not, on average, outperform their more parsimonious peers.

    ECONOMIST: Why America is wrong to fear Asian innovation

  • European VCs are parsimonious and risk-averse, they complain, compared with the deals of their U.S. counterparts.

    WSJ: Shining a Spotlight on Venture Capital

  • While he is mocked for his parsimonious ways, his peers are in awe of his musical acumen.

    FORBES: Jive Talking

  • The most parsimonious explanation for a big miss is measurement error, but there is a trend worth watching.

    FORBES: Connect

  • For one thing, those banks left standing after the bust will be far more parsimonious with consumer credit.

    ECONOMIST: Consumer psychology

  • His inspiration is a weathered copy of a 1991 FORBES story that extolled the Army's streamlined and parsimonious ways.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • But with money short, and parsimonious Republicans in charge of the House, such bail-outs are encountering ever stiffer resistance.

    ECONOMIST: How not to fund infrastructure

  • Pill-splitting is catching on among parsimonious prescription-takers who want to lower costs.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • This seems to be a parsimonious explanation as there was no evidence of contamination prior to the use of these cell lines.

    FORBES: Big Study Linking Chronic Fatigue To Virus May Be Fatally Flawed

  • The group that seems to be making people in Brussels nervous is "the parsimonious ones" as one French newspaper dubbed them yesterday.

    BBC: Cameron touches raw nerve

  • We need to be more parsimonious in our use of energy, yes.

    FORBES: Solving Climate Change

  • It does not require one to become a pale and parsimonious lettuce-nibbler.

    BBC: Viewpoint: Childhood obesity and passive parenting

  • Only the federal government can fill the demand gap, and if it is too parsimonious and the recession returns, the deficit would get much worse.

    ECONOMIST: America's budget

  • The result is a porous, honeycomb-like structure that is capable of withstanding the applied forces, but weighs very little due to its parsimonious use of materials.


  • It is difficult to fathom therefore why the authors would conclude that these expected PCR findings were evidence of mouse contamination when a far more parsimonious explanation was available.

    FORBES: Big Study Linking Chronic Fatigue To Virus May Be Fatally Flawed

  • The aim is to put pressure on mediocre universities to drop their prices, or risk losing both their clever students to their superior rivals and parsimonious types to the cheap-and-cheerful.

    ECONOMIST: Paying for university

  • As for stinginess, my father was almost painfully parsimonious.

    FORBES: Fathers and Sons

  • Zara is also more parsimonious with advertising and discounts.

    ECONOMIST: Inditex

  • He was a near genius at salary negotiations with Walter Briggs, the parsimonious owner of the Detroit Tigers, and in the final years of his career was the highest-paid player in baseball.

    WSJ: Book Review: Hank Greenberg

  • Lopez has said several times over the past week that the Nets are winning more because they are playing with more energy, and that may be because Carlesimo is parsimonious about doling out playing time.

    WSJ: Carlesimo Always Has One Eye on the Clock

  • His campaign manager, David Plouffe (sixth), a former aide to Dick Gephardt, is disciplined and parsimonious, overseeing the amassing of the biggest political piggybank ever seen and orchestrating Obama victories in small, organisation-intensive caucus states.

    ECONOMIST: The new Democratic establishment

  • If higher expenditure on public services comes to be seen as payday for public-sector workers, Labour will lose the reputation for prudent economic management which it struggled so hard to win in its early, parsimonious, years.

    ECONOMIST: Blair's government

  • As a result of his analysis Daly says that we must have a steady state economy: the economy can only grow as fast as better technology allows us to add more value to or be more parsimonious with the use of those limited resources that we can use.

    FORBES: Biofuels: Policy Based Evidence Making

  • NHS. He is also likely to signal that he intends to honour the prime minister's rash pledge before the last election to keep the money tap open until Britain's previously parsimonious spending on health more nearly matches the European average of between 8% and 8.9% of national income, depending on which measure is used.

    ECONOMIST: Bagehot

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