On Wednesday, Nov. 16, I will participateina panel discussion at the Word-of-Mouth Marketing Association (WOMMA) Summit in Las Vegas to talk about the efficacy of online versus offline word-of-mouth (WOM) marketing campaigns.
When global warming alarmists are invited to participateina debate or panel discussion with global warming skeptics, they coincidentally come up with all sorts of excuses to stay at home or on the bench.
The research also addressed political advertising. 68 percent of those active in political conversations online say they are more likely to pay attention to advertising on a site where they participatein political discussion and debate.
Russia was invited to participatein the discussion about the new missile defense shield at a NATO summit in Lisbon in 2010, despite the fact that the country is not a member.
In the event of a conflict of interest involving a Panelist and a work of art under review, the Panelist does not participatein the discussion and is excused from the meeting.
Komen to be recognized as a Champion of Change at the White House and to participatein the round table discussion with other breast cancer activists and advocates about ending breast cancer forever.