But the plaintiffs in the lawsuit argued that the Florida Reform Party no longer met a requirement that it be affiliated with a national party holding a national convention to nominate presidential candidates because the Reform Party USA -- the remnants of a movement spearheaded by Ross Perot in 1992 -- no longer met that definition.
Lao PDR, as a Party to the Convention, is expected to present by 30 of April 2012 a periodic report on the policies and measures taken within its territory and at the international level to protect and promote the diversity of cultural expressions.
Richard Lugar and Orrin Hatch -- both stalwarts of the GOP who have committed apostasy by trying to work across party lines -- face primaries this season that imperil their survival: A poll Thursday morning found Lugar down 5 points to a tea party-backed challenger in Indiana, and Hatch failed to secure a 60% supermajority at his party's convention in Utah, sending his race to a primary.
The protocol specifies that if a State Party to the Protocol considers that another State Party is not giving effect to a provision of the Convention, it may, by written communication, bring the matter to the attention of that State.
United States because the United States is not a party to the Convention.
Yet, even before the delegates had assembled for a party convention on February 20th to pick a permanent successor to Mr Clark, the dirt was flying again.
The 1978 Vienna Convention on Succession of States in Respect of Treaties does not bind the United States because the United States is not a party to the Convention.
What the Justice Department's 1996 memorandum on this issue fails to point out is that neither the United States, the Soviet Union nor Russia is a party to this 1978 convention--and that in fact 90 percent of the world's states have also refused to sign it.
He said he would continue to campaign for delegates to the late-July Democratic National Convention in a bid to influence the party's platform.
Unlike Australia, it is not a party to the United Nations Refugee Convention.
The winner of each will receive a trip to their party's convention.
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As a state that is party to the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Iran has undertaken not to execute child offenders.
BBC: Amnesty says five minors have been executed in Iran in 2007
He seems certain to be dumped at a party convention next May. (Sadly his defeat may make other politicians think twice before championing a tax on carbon emissions.) Some of the Liberals' erstwhile supporters seem to have switched to the socialist New Democrats.
According to the Third Geneva Convention itself (the one covering POWs), for a person to qualify as a POW and be accorded the treatment proscribed in said convention, that person must be affiliated (either regular army or militia meaning some sort of uniform) with a "High Contracting Power" (a state that was party to the convention but for argument's sake we'll say any state).
Through March 6 (Super Tuesday), 13 primaries or caucuses will either decide the Republican nomination or head it into continued uncertainty all the way to the convention, a situation neither party has been in for more than 30 years.
He is due to be replaced as Liberal leader at a party convention in May.
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Five years ago this week, China officially became a party to the World Health Organization's Framework Convention Tobacco Control.
Yet when Mr Checchi was obliged to beam down from the virtual world to the real one to attend a convention of the state's Democratic Party in Los Angeles on March 20th-22nd, he put on a dismal performance.
The Reform Party is mailing a write-in survey to its members this week to determine who will be listed on a nomination ballot at the party's convention August 11.
Under Article 110 of the convention a warship has first to send an officer-led party to board a suspected pirate ship to verify any suspicions.
It marks the start of the six-month period during which each US state will hold primary elections or caucuses to pick a Republican candidate, who will be officially nominated at the party convention in August.
After a solemn first day out of deference to Gulf Coast states taking a battering from Hurricane Gustav, the Republican National Convention reverted to its traditional form as a gathering of partisan speakers and party activists, serving large helpings of rhetorical red meat from a litany of well-known Republicans and former presidential candidates.
Campaign manager Rick Davis said Republicans would meet in an abbreviated fashion, conducting only what was necessary to constitute a convention, such as calling the convention to order, receiving a report from the credentials committee and adopting the party platform.
Christine Todd Whitman of New Jersey, Pete Wilson of California and George Pataki of New York have threatened a fight on the convention floor if necessary to change the plank to make the party platform more acceptable to moderate voters.
Zell Miller, a Democratic senator from Georgia and a frequent critic of his own party, will speak at the Republican National Convention, according to senior Democratic Senate sources.
In Florida, Governor Jeb Bush has signed a bill that would allow any party which holds a national convention, and which has registered with Florida's secretary of state, to place its presidential candidate on the state ballot with no petition and no fee.
Mr Huhne, the Lib Dem energy secretary, said: "If Conservative backbenchers persist in wanting to tear up the European Convention on Human Rights, then I can foresee a time when this party would be extremely uncomfortable in coalition, " he said.
The Democratic vote may have little impact on the presidential race, however, because the party's national leadership said it would not allow Florida's delegates to participate in the national convention because of a squabble over scheduling.
The battle in the Democratic Party has a long way to go, partly because its system awards each candidates a share of the delegates to the nominating convention according to their share of the vote in each primary.
BBC: NEWS | Americas | Win fires up Obama supporters' belief