Four deputies have lost or resigned the party whip and another has quit the party altogether.
But the campaigner felt the party whip prevented her speaking when she disagreed with policies that affected disabled people.
In 1999, Mr Weir lost the party whip at the assembly for refusing to toe the party line.
If elected he would not take any party whip in parliament and would have a "free hand", he pledged.
The party whip system for ensuring voting discipline is less strict at the European Parliament than at Westminster, he explained.
Last month, Mr McCrea lost the party whip when he publicly criticised the UUP's handling of the union flag dispute.
If MPs who have made excessive claims refuse to pay back the money, Mr Cameron said they would lose the party whip.
Why is Dafydd Elis Thomas defying the party whip and refusing to take part in the vote of no confidence later this afternoon?
As the party whip who saw the legislation through parliament, Mr Dunne acknowledged the details released by the Boundary Commission had left him with a dilemma.
The move follows the SDLP leader Margaret Ritchie's decision to remove the party whip from Mr O'Loan after he issued a statement calling for a single nationalist party.
Sir George, who is in charge of party discipline, will ultimately decide whether to restore the party whip to the MP but, according to sources, Tuesday's meeting was only preliminary.
The committee also said that having had the party whip removed from him on 18 January 1999, he refused in May 2000 the offer to resume his position in the assembly party.
No 10 said the prime minister was determined to press ahead with an overhaul of the Lords and the "usual rules" would apply to any members of the government defying the party whip.
The BBC's political correspondent Tim Reid said one of the sanctions available to the leadership if their differences are not resolved would be to remove the party whip from Mr Ward, temporarily or permanently.
Tuesday night's 257-167 vote saw Boehner, R-Ohio, and about a third of the GOP majority lining up with Democrats against most of their own caucus, including Majority Leader Eric Cantor and party whip Kevin McCarthy.
Without a binding manifesto, it distinguishes itself from other parties by the absence of a party whip, which it claims reduces the House of Commons to a "talking shop" that accepts the government's proposals with little scrutiny.
One MEP who lost the party whip in March after refusing to sit in its parliamentary group, Nikki Sinclaire, has driven to Torquay to park a brightly coloured signwritten van conspicuously lacking UKIP's branding, outside the conference centre.
Separately, Italian prosecutors say they are investigating whether Franco Fiorito, the former party whip for People of Freedom in Lazio, used taxpayer funds to finance personal expenses for other regional councilors and to pay for his own island vacation.
She would not say if she had been asked by any of the main parties to stand as their candidate, adding she had been a floating voter all her life and would find it hard to follow a party whip.
Crucially too, it meant any future decision by Lord Elis-Thomas to resign the party whip permanently and sit as an Independent or even Labour member, however unlikely the latter, could not be seen as the party, and his leader, pushing him out.
The committee also said that "having signed a declaration on 5 May 1998 that he would faithfully support the current policy of the UUP and that he would accept the party whip, he has failed to do so on an ongoing basis".
Now, at 66, the former Tory party whip is taking on a role that offers new, but no less difficult, challenges as he attempts to guard the BBC's independence and at the same time act in the best interest of licence fee payers.
Mr de Whalley claimed that decision was also unlawful, arguing that a party "whip" was employed, forcing Tory councillors to support the cabinet's decision.
Social Democratic Party chief whip and MP for South Down Eddie McGrady urged both republican and loyalist paramilitaries to respond to Dr Hegarty's "generous and responsible offer".
Scottish National Party chief whip Bruce Crawford raised the matter in the Scottish Parliament on Wednesday, asking Deputy Presiding Officer Murray Tosh if the executive was making a statement to Holyrood later this week.
Sue Lent was re-elected party chief whip.
BBC: Cardiff council leader Heather Joyce survives challenge
The MP - who has been an outspoken critic of the prime minister in the past - will be asked to explain her actions to the Conservative Party Chief Whip Sir George Young when she returns from Australia.
But the party's chief whip in the Commons, Alistair Carmichael, insisted on Saturday that the party was "in a much better condition than people in the press would ever want the general public to know".
Some Labour politicians, most notably Donald Dewar, the party's chief whip, are still arguing for this approach.
Plaid AM Jocelyn Davies, her party's chief whip, said Miss Jenkins had informed her she would be in London.