In 1930, the airship R100 set out on its first passenger-carrying flight from England to Canada.
So Ford has decided it needs to increase profit margins on its passenger car business.
He increased the number of coaches, both for goods and passenger trains, from 16 to 24.
Goglia didn't hedge in stating his opinion that the FAA let politics interfere with passenger safety.
During the conversation, both passenger and staff see each other as life-sized screen images in real time.
The passenger terminal is to be refurbished and the growth of regional airline routes is planned.
To diversify, Tata would enter, at great expense, the less volatile passenger car market.
The 1978 S-Class was the first passenger vehicle in the world to get antilock brakes.
FORBES: With Trendsetting Technology, 2014 Mercedes-Benz S-Class Gets All Up In Bentley's Business
One passenger told the BBC the pilot had informed them there had been threats.
In particular, both Friedman and Epstein think we need to build more high speed passenger trains.
TransEuropa had run passenger and freight services between Ramsgate and Ostend for the last 15 years.
The development means that there is no passenger service out of the Port of Ramsgate.
It's about allowing airports to take advantage of smarter technologies and improved processes to the passenger.
Power says that baggage fees continue to be a major source of passenger dissatisfaction.
Indian Railways operates 9, 000 passenger trains and carries some 18 million passengers every day.
All of this technology is now required for every passenger vehicle sold in the United States.
FORBES: With Trendsetting Technology, 2014 Mercedes-Benz S-Class Gets All Up In Bentley's Business
She was propping herself up on the passenger seat with the splayed fingers of one hand.
In North America, GM loses more than a thousand dollars on every passenger car it sells.
The Air Comet co-pilot and a passenger aboard the same flight also saw the light.
CNN: Brazilian air force says debris was not from Air France crash
But expansion is already underway across the European rail network to handle growing passenger numbers.
On beaching our raft downriver the guides managed to throw our freeloading passenger into the river.
FORBES: Know What to Fear: Where are you misplacing your fear?
There, new services are using mobile apps to help drivers and passenger locate each other quickly.
The suspect, allegedly carrying a handgun, opened the door and got into the passenger seat.
Northern Europe cruise passenger numbers rose 30% to 443, 000, with Norwegian fjords voyages proving particularly popular.
In a major development, Congress legislated control of the passenger railways and gave it to Amtrak.
CNN: Amtrak train: No better way to connect with U.S. voters
The 44-year-old woman passenger in the 4X4 suffered minor injuries in the accident on Wednesday.
The passenger plane overshot a runway at a Moscow airport on Saturday, emergency management officials said.
China is building its own aircraft industry, with the initial target being a 150 passenger plane.
The rear-seat passenger, a 24-year-old man, was taken to the Worcestershire Royal Hospital with minor injuries.
Officials believe this increase was caused by the economic downturn, along with increased bus passenger numbers.