• This can be done by heating the gas (a thermal plasma) or passing an electric current through it (a non-thermal plasma).

    ECONOMIST: Diesel engines

  • It was crafted by Pat Roberts (R-KS) and Debbie Stabenow (D-MI), passing by a margin of 64 votes.

    FORBES: 80% of President Obama's Drought Relief Bill Is For Food Stamps

  • In America the new deficit-focused climate is preventing politicians from passing a temporary (and sensible) fiscal stimulus package without inducing them to tackle the sources of the country's huge medium-term deficit by, for instance, reforming social security.

    ECONOMIST: Global economic policy

  • One reason for the relatively large high school completion rate is that the United States offers a number of "second chances" for students to obtain a high school diploma, including attendance at special school-based programs and obtaining a General Education Credential (GED) credential, usually by passing a high school equivalency examination.

    UNESCO: II Part Analytic Section

  • All right, everyone, take a seat, and have a glass of wine -- (laughter) -- all right, because I'm going to sell you guys out. (Laughter.) They were passing around a little glass, and I was like, what's that? (Laughter.) So please feel free.

    WHITEHOUSE: The First Lady Announces New Funding for Military Families

  • Somehow an issue that has a real, concrete, and rapidly approaching deadline (passing PNTR) has become sidelined and marginalized in favor of a bill that can be passed whenever.

    FORBES: Russia, PNTR, Magnitsky, and Congress' Dereliction of Duty

  • She told of how a group of killer whales that lives near Vancouver, passing between waters controlled (from a human point of view) by Canada and the United States, have acquired legal protection even though the species as a whole is not endangered.

    ECONOMIST: A declaration of the rights of cetaceans

  • It gained brief notoriety in 1994 by passing a resolution requiring every household to own a gun (it was never enforced).

    ECONOMIST: Latino heroes

  • If a detector has more than a certain number (currently 12) of contiguous bits in common with a passing packet, the detector is deleted, and a new detector is generated to replace it.

    ECONOMIST: A thousand ills require a thousand cures

  • They've survived a few shootouts (including a recent win over San Diego that rebuked the Sports Illustrated curse) and got a weird scare from rookie Cam Newton (432 yards passing) and Carolina in Week 2.

    WSJ: Jason Gay: Could Green Bay Win by Losing?

  • Hampshire Constabulary said it thoroughly investigated the two sexual assault allegations before passing a file to Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) which decided not to prosecute.

    BBC: Stanbridge Earls School

  • Javier Bardem, his menace half-masked by a comical haircut, plays a calm, unstoppable psychopath on the trail of a stolen two million dollars. (His presence is both frightening and entertaining, if never wholly credible.) Various unfortunates cross his path and suffer the consequences, but his principal target is Llewelyn Moss (Josh Brolin), a passing hunter who took the money.

    NEWYORKER: No Country for Old Men

  • Instead of joining the previous sample chapter, from the point of view of Theon Greyjoy, this new chapter, about Arianne Martell (a character mentioned in passing in A Storm of Swords but introduced in A Feast for Crows), replaces it altogether.

    FORBES: Move up http://i.forbesimg.com t Move down

  • Global economic growth, combined with a booming world population (passing 7 billion last year), has put unprecedented stress on fragile ecosystems.

    UNESCO: Social and Human Sciences

  • The Doppler effect (familiar from the changing pitch of a passing police siren) gives away the velocities of these particles and Dr Haller's computers are able to crunch the resulting data in the light of Lagrange's theories and work out the network of coherent structures that is causing their movements and the pattern of updraughts and downdraughts that should result.

    ECONOMIST: Lagrangian coherent structures

  • Then watch The Race to Mackinac, a 2002 documentary produced by Chicago public television station WTTW. The station put cameras on two boats and zoomed in on such passing scenery as Sleeping Bear Dunes (a national park on the Michigan coast) and Beaver Island, where a rogue Mormon leader once declared himself king.


  • Head 35km down the B-road, passing Batak (the site of a famous 19th-century uprising against the Ottomans), and continue deeper into the Rhodope Mountains towards Dospot.

    BBC: Bulgarian road trip: Sofia to the City of the Tsars

  • We were making great time (for us), able to carry on a conversation without passing out, and generally in decent spirits.

    FORBES: Personalization Goes Beyond the Name Game

  • Heeley was a fan of Devonshire in his West Ham United (and England) days and admits he expected more of a passing style from his team.

    BBC: Heeley up for Hampton challenge

  • Brady had a pedestrian passing day (22 of 36 for 236 yards, 2 interceptions), though it was the quarterback's daring fourth down, one-yard plunge that provided the winning margin.

    WSJ: Jason Gay: Not Perfect but a Super Rematch

  • This season, his passing has improved and he's still a dangerous runner (644 yards and nine DS).

    WSJ: RG3 Wins First Heisman for Baylor

  • Surprising many ( govtrack.us gave it a 1% chance of passing as a separate bill), the parity between the exclusion from income for employer-provided mass transit and parking benefits was extended.

    FORBES: Connect

  • So, a single passage of action saw Booker jump onto a skyline, drop from it to the ground (eviscerating an opponent on the way), exchange fire with a passing airship using a machine gun, leap onto another skyline and from there onto the airship to kill its crew.

    FORBES: BioShock Infinite Preview - Oh, Amber Waves of Pain

  • The so-called Value Pack upgrade that was leaked for original Samsung Galaxy S devices after the company announced they would not be upgraded to Ice Cream Sandwich (it was later given a passing mention in the Galaxy S II ICS upgrade notes) has been officially released, at least in Korea.

    ENGADGET: Samsung Galaxy S ICS-like 'value pack' upgrade officially released in Korea

  • We now know that oak seedlings rarely thrive under mature oaks (which rain caterpillars on them), so the oak climax was just a passing phase.

    WSJ: Ecology and Change: Nature Has No 'Balance' for Us to Keep | Mind & Matter

  • The history of the Roswell Incident investigatory efforts is rich with phony and altered documents ( Roswell Incident co-author Moore got caught passing one), dubious sworn statements, a filmed autopsy hoax, clear lying, wildly changing accounts and researchers sporting bogus credentials.

    FORBES: Those Roswell Aliens Dropped In Everywhere

  • And what about other measures, such as passing a second economic stimulus package or expanding drilling in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR)?

    FORBES: Washington And Oil: First Do No Harm

  • Monastic communities continue to live throughout Angkor, with Buddhist monks often passing through the historic sites on their way to and from their pagodas (a blend of temple and monastery).

    BBC: The perfect trip: Cambodia

  • Sony Corporation (NYSE:SNE), for instance, slid into a prolonged decline after the passing away of its founder Akio Morita, trading into upper single digits, down from triple digits back in 1999.

    FORBES: One Question Behind Apple's Volatility

  • It is sunny nearly all the time, avocado is a major ingredient on nearly every menu and unlike New York, where you may see a celebrity in passing (and ignore them, since that is the New York thing to do), in LA, it is hard to go a night without rubbing elbows with someone in the "biz".

    BBC: This is Los Angeles week

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