On the Libyan side, there were "no officials, no passport control, no customs, " Wedeman reported.
Almost three-fifths (59%) of people usually resident in Northern Ireland held a UK passport, just over a fifth (21%) held an Irish passport, while 19% held no passport.
One Indian man with no passport was sent to hospital after he jumped off the building trying to evade the police raid.
But her four-month-old grandson has no passport, so they couldn't leave.
Today Aachen is prospering, democracy is firmly rooted, no passport is required to visit neighbouring, or more distant, countries and much of the continent enjoys a single currency.
Once you get a Nexus RFID card, you can fly or drive to or from Canada and the U.S. with no lines, no hassle, and if need be, with no passport.
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He holds a diplomatic passport, and requires no visa to enter France.
Flight of imagination needs no visa or a passport to reach or explore any depth.
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The decision struck most as odd, since the first page of the passport complies with international specifications and has no space for another column on religion.
Muwonge claims that police at Abidjan Airport had arrested him because he had no visa for Burkina Faso in his passport.
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Also, a closer look at the landholdings between the two yields some sharp contrasts. 70, 000 of the 122, 000 acres Passport controls are private lands that are contiguous with no obligation to pay any royalty payments.
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The process for registering with M-Pesa is very straightforward: it requires a PIN and an official form of identification (a passport or a national ID card) but there is no need for a bank account or a home address.
Luckily, I had nothing incriminating on me, no films or no cameras or anything, so they basically stamped deported in my passport and that was it, I was out.
In the past few months, Western and Arab governments announced that they would no longer honor Iraqi passports issued after the 2003 invasion, since the passport had been so shoddily produced that it was subject to widespread forgery.
To add insult to injury, there is no one at the British high commission who responds on the whereabouts of the passport or the status of the application.
The only address on his passport was his office, and he was found dead on a Sunday, when the building was closed, so no one could be reached.
Armed with a fake passport and complicated flight itineraries, he had headed for Australia - before losing heart, turning back, and learning no-one had realised he was missing.