When the economy is poor, they are still out there pounding the pavement, making calls.
Mr Sanders was walking on the road due to how narrow the pavement was.
Furthermore, pavement on land creates "expressways" for oil and other pollutants to run into the ocean.
Many of those protesters subsequently moved on to the pavement, which is controlled by Westminster Council.
The circular disc of blue limestone has been set into the pavement outside Bath Abbey.
The plans also include the completion of an underground car park and pavement cafe.
Fresh paint-marks sprayed on the pavement by police where the cartridges landed, could still be seen.
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The city itself has become an island of hot pavement in a sea of green.
The pavement is still a carpet of glass from shattered windows in every building.
I'll never forget Kevin Goodman sitting on the pavement with his wife and five children.
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Water gushed onto the pavement and halves of clear plastic bottles fell to the ground.
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After Mr Grisales collapsed on to the pavement, local residents tried to help him.
It was this transformation that we three were discussing on a freezing pavement last night.
So when I met Edna on the pavement, the love was shining from my eyes.
Listen to how he picks out the sound of a helmet rolling across the pavement.
Clearly, pounding the pavement is a popular pastime in Boston, where the biggest annual event is a marathon.
The Dorset throws open its doors and windows in fine weather and spills tables out on to the pavement.
Not just from the jobs created by laying down new lines or tracks or pavement.
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His first job was as a pavement re-surfacer, but he joined the Army in August 1998.
At that speed on those silky smooth sections of pavement, the car was steady and composed.
Because the Eclipse rides close to the pavement and has a small cockpit, the acceleration was thrilling.
The turn appeared to be an illegal right turn, and the victim was slammed against the pavement.
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Drivers had opportunities to make more moves and Conway took advantage right away and pavement stayed in place.
Kim pointed at weeds in the pavement and "with an irritated look, plucked them up one by one".
Brighton council said the tree's roots were damaging the pavement and blocking the view of the pedestrian crossing.
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The weak link in pavement is bitumen, the black petroleum product that holds the bits of rock together.
After years of neglect the pavement was broken with great fissures and potholes the size of a bathtub.
Across the road from the police station, Kosovo Serbs lined up to sell their produce on the pavement.
Are you aggravated by sky-high gas prices or costly repairs necessitated by poorly kept roads and pot-holded pavement?
In the icy wind a group of people stood wrapped up well on a pavement in south Belfast.