The ability to generate asymmetric return payoffs is enhanced when the market is volatile.
But the payoffs in terms of persuasiveness, charisma, and leadership will be well worth it.
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While Mcgarrybowen's partners want big clients, they sometimes pursue small projects that offer long-term payoffs.
They doubled the payoffs across all outcomes, and they offered far greater rewards for a solitary confessor.
But this is where the really big payoffs come, for the few businesses that enable new industries.
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Analyzing all human life in terms of calculated payoffs and manipulations is the distinctive disease of modern economics.
When the payoffs diminish, the song stops haunting the airwaves every ten minutes.
He views the financial markets as simply another social system, which determines payoffs and punishments in a like manner.
Predicting the payoffs of winning a company are hard, but imagining how a city overpays for one is easy.
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Ms. CAMACHO: (Through Translator) We will see payoffs for financing, but we don't know where that financing comes from.
In the jargon of economics, where we have tournament style payoffs in fact.
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These and other innovative approaches have potentially large payoffs in how health care is delivered and what it will cost.
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You'll miss the coffee a little bit, sure -- but the payoffs for your overall happiness make it worth it.
In "superstar economies, " as in the market for CEOs, even a slight edge in ability can translate into enormous payoffs.
Supporting the development of startup communities is a more diffuse task, but one with greater unseen payoffs in the future.
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Bemis wouldn't be on our list of platinum companies if Roe didn't know how to get payoffs by acquiring laggard producers.
Venture capitalists are looking for big payoffs -- startups with potentially explosive growth rates, far greater than Access Direct can promise.
It may or may not pay off in terms of profits, and what payoffs occur might be decades down the line.
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Companies will be less inclined to make payoffs if their bottom line does not depend on state-mandated regulations, loans and projects.
Bankers get such generous payoffs because it is in their contracts and airtight contracts are needed to attract the best people.
Is the conventional wisdom that there are huge payoffs to more emphasis on the STEM disciplines (science, technology, engineering and math) correct?
Sadly this thinking of payoffs and manipulations is pervasive in organizations today.
They are too bathed in enlightenment-style cause-and-effect and cannot accept that skills and payoffs may have nothing to do with one another.
If they become greedier and demand more generous payoffs, reported earnings suffer.
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But he also has backed some of the richest payoffs in high-tech.
As crass as it may seem, money is one of the payoffs.
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Sometimes the difference between internal versus external payoffs can be quite subtle.
While on a day-to-day level, companies need to resolve disputes and move on, a more long-term and sustained focus could yield longer-term payoffs.
While the company is incurring huge investments to develop Weibo, it has been unable to reap significant payoffs from the platform so far.
The choice of Ms. White is a significant departure from a series of chairmen that have been political payoffs, lifelong bureaucrats or industry participants.
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