But there is a more important reason: I believe America needs a vibrant peace movement.
Their global Mayors for Peace movement now has the support of more than 4, 000 mayors worldwide.
Clinton and Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Rabin were icons of the Israeli peace movement.
But a vibrant American peace movement must also, at least, respect the experiment that is this country.
So you might imagine what the peace movement was saying behind closed doors.
In his Ma'ariv article, Dankner reserves some of his harshest criticism, however, for Israeli leaders of the peace movement.
Some idealists believed that a strong peace movement in Western Europe would inspire those behind the Iron Curtain to demand disarmament from their rulers too.
The Geneva Conventions, for instance, are shown coming about when one branch of the peace movement stopped trying to abolish war, and worked with governments to humanise the way that wars were fought.
But the shock was not enough to renew movement toward peace.
Mr Sicilia, whose son was kidnapped and killed in 2011, said members of his Movement for Peace with Justice and Dignity did not feel represented by the memorial.
If a movement toward durable peace is to begin in East Timor, the starting point must be incentives for parties to stop the war.
Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres urged Arafat to "take hold" of the situation, warning all the recent movement toward resuming peace talks could be lost if he does not.
Already, one breakaway faction, the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Movement, has rejected peace negotiations and has been violating a ceasefire.
Recently, there has been movement on restarting a peace process, with the head of Turkey's leading opposition party signaling his willingness to work toward a resolution with Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
The NATO-led peace force officially refused a Serb request to escort vehicles, saying it would violate the peace accord's provisions for free movement.
Third, the Chinese may expect that movement on their part toward peace in Cambodia will benefit them materially in their relations with the United States and other Western states.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Giving Peace A Chance In Cambodia: A Primer For US Policy
On this special occasion, a global movement for a culture of peace was initiated by the United Nations to create a " grand alliance " of existing movements that unites all those already working for a culture of peace in its eight domains of action.
When we think of those famous words -- "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for the country" -- it was followed up by thousands of people wanting to join the Peace Corps, and the Civil Rights movement was already out there.
They believe that many unionists have never had any intention of sharing power, and are using decommissioning either to break the peace deal, or to emasculate the republican movement.
It is especially so in Egypt, where 30 years of uninterrupted rule by Hosni Mubarak, who succeeded president Anwar Sadat after his assassination in 1981 (see video below), are being questioned by an angry youth movement and dissident politicians like Nobel peace laureate and former head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Mohamed El Baradei.
FORBES: Egyptian Civil Strife Sends Oil Close To $100 On Suez Canal Fears
Boosted his international profile by heading the Non-Aligned Movement, chairing a conference on Cambodian peace and hosting an Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation summit.
UNITA, the rebel movement in Angola , for flouting the 1994 peace accords.
UNITA's name, they promise to complete the Angolan peace process with no delay, including demilitarising the rebel movement and returning all territory to state control.
However, the movement stopped short of agreeing to participate in peace talks being organised by the government, and thus there was scepticism about the likely impact on the conflict, which arguably poses the biggest political challenge to the federal government, and which has resulted in the loss of about one-fifth of the country's oil output since early 2006.
ECONOMIST: A big rebel group in the Niger Delta calls off its ceasefire
The outgoing government of Fidel Ramos had similar hopes of success, and in 1996 signed a peace deal with the Moro National Liberation Front, the main independence movement.
This week's referendum takes place in accordance with the US-brokered Comprehensive Peace Treaty between the Khartoum government and the Sudan People's Liberation Movement signed on January 9, 2005.
The only one attending is former rebel Minni Minnawi, the leader of a faction of the Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM) that signed up to the failed 2006 Darfur Peace Agreement.
There is a strong draft-Gore movement going on right now and the former vice president could parlay his Nobel Peace Prize win into a bid for the White House.
Late last year Ansar Dine, a jihadist group constituted largely of local Tuareg, even joined the peace talks that the government had already started with the secular Tuareg rebels of the National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad (MNLA).
Villagers are thus enjoying much greater freedom of movement than at any time since the last, much less structured, attempt at peace collapsed in 2003.
ECONOMIST: A peace agreement in Aceh may serve as a template for Papua