• If this is the case then of course the peaceful uses of nuclear energy should be allowed under the IAEA rules and IAEA control.

    BBC: NEWS | Europe | Text: Sergei Lavrov interview

  • We reiterated the importance of a full and non-selective application and implementation of the NPT's three pillars - nuclear disarmament, nuclear non-proliferation, and peaceful uses of nuclear energy.

    WHITEHOUSE: Joint Statement of the 4th ASEAN-U.S. Leaders' Meeting

  • And what we did in Washington, what we're now doing in Korea, becomes part of a larger global architecture designed to reduce the dangers of nuclear weapons and nuclear terrorism, but also allows us then to more safely and effectively pursue peaceful uses of nuclear energy.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks at the Nuclear Security Summit

  • The two Leaders also agreed on the need for the international community to send a clear signal to Iran that while it has the right to develop peaceful uses of nuclear energy, Iran should not use this right to develop nuclear weapons capability as stated in UNSC and IAEA resolutions.

    WHITEHOUSE: The White House

  • On Iran, we agree that the P5-plus-1 talks with Iran that should be announced soon offer us an opportunity to resolve diplomatically the critical issue of ensuring that Iran is abiding by its international obligations, that will allow it to rejoin the community of nations, and have peaceful uses of nuclear energy while not developing nuclear weapons.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama��s Bilateral Meeting with President Medvedev of Russia | The White House

  • We also affirm our commitment to cooperating on energy, including the development of clean and renewable energy sources, peaceful, safe, and secure uses of nuclear energy, and on energy security.

    WHITEHOUSE: The White House

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