• He is a graduate of Oxford University (Pembroke College, MA) and an Honorary Fellow of Pembroke College.

    BBC: The men in robes

  • In addition, a collection of memorabilia associated with the record-breaking run, including the watch used by Olympic gold medallist Harold Abrahams to time it, is going on show at Pembroke College.

    BBC: SPORT | Athletics | Bannister relives mile

  • A. Butler, a child of empire if ever there was one, describes his failing the Eton scholarship (the mere fact that his family wanted a scholarship would have told the discerning something about his origins) and being consigned to the outer darkness of Marlborough school and Pembroke College, Cambridge.

    ECONOMIST: The British empire

  • Finally, take the scenic route along the back of Merton College, where Tolkien was a professor of English language and literature between 1945 and 1959 after leaving Pembroke.

    BBC: Literary Oxford

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