Three months later, the laws were repealed by the state Legislature and removed from the penal code.
Last year the government gave the nod to a workshop that looked into changing the penal code.
The mainstream moral values of Singaporeans are conservative, and the Penal Code has provisions against certain homosexual practices.
The clause re-criminalising adultery is part of a package of proposed changes to overhaul Turkey's 78-year-old penal code.
Done incorrectly, the amputees will bleed to death a punishment too far, apparently, even for the al Qaeda-brand penal code.
They are rarely enforced, but penal code 162 and 165 are an effective threat hanging over the gay community.
Japan's penal code does not apply statutory rape to a person over 13.
The "Hadd" penal code of unalterable punishments for certain crimes was firmly applied.
The radical leader was "known for his anti-Semitic stance and condemned for publicly violating French penal code, " the prosecutor said.
The charge of inciting to overthrow the ruling system carries the death penalty under article 130 of Qatar's penal code.
BBC: Qatar urged to free poet Mohammed Ibn al-Dheeb al-Ajami
Ms. Fox said the citation of the penal code was made after consulting with the Kings County District Attorney's office.
Under Pakistan's penal code, anyone who "defiles the sacred name of the Holy Prophet" can be punished by death or life imprisonment.
Within the penal code, the act of homosexuality is still criminalized.
Currently, the punishment for rape in India's penal code can range from seven years to life imprisonment, though courts can levy lesser sentences.
Publishers can also face heavy sentences under Burma's Penal Code if they are found guilty of inciting the public to participate in unlawful activity.
Public prosecutors have demanded that the five suspects be charged under the Indian Penal Code with crimes including murder, gang rape, robbery and kidnapping.
While prostitution is not illegal in France, profiting from the prostitution of another person is against the law, according to the French Penal Code.
He spoke after the European Commission warned that Turkey's bid to join the EU could be complicated by its delay in passing the penal code.
Given Mr Erdogan's reputation as a savvy politician, there is puzzlement in Ankara over why he shifted his ground on the penal code so abruptly.
Under the penal code, causing "grievous hurt" is grounds for arrest.
But the final appeals court supported an argument put forward by Mr Berlusconi's lawyers that there may be a constitutional flaw in the reformed penal code.
The proposed reforms of the penal code and criminal-justice system will have to overcome the entrenched attitudes of judges and lawyers, also well represented in Congress.
ECONOMIST: Brazil grapples with crime, punishment and policing
And neither does the State of California, which makes it a misdemeanor to solemnize a marriage without first reviewing the marriage license (Penal Code, Section 360).
FORBES: Ask the taxgirl: Marriage License and Marital Status
Turkish law disqualifies candidates with criminal records from running for office - although Mr Erdogan had challenged those rules citing recent amendments to the Turkish penal code.
Being gay in India can get one thrown into jail in this country because of a section of the Indian Penal Code (Section 377) which criminalizes same-sex relationships.
Last week, more than 10 months after Amina drank rat poison the Moroccan government said it would officially review Penal Code 475 which permits rapists to marry their underage victims.
Senegal has ratified international conventions for the protection of women's rights, and voted in 1999 a law, which amended the Penal Code by introducing other forms of violence and emphasizing sanctions.
All have been equally charged by law enforcement with a litany of offences of kidnapping, unnatural offences, dacoity, robbery, destruction of evidence, criminal conspiracy and common intention under the Indian Penal Code.
Latest efforts to impose a harsher penalty on men who kill their daughters and sisters suffered a fresh setback in parliament this week, after deputies refused to sanction an amendment to the penal code.
Last year the Jordanian parliament rejected a government bill to abolish an article in the Penal Code which exempts a man from punishment if he kills a female relative after discovering her committing adultery.