Quietly, he staked a claim, made a fortune and lost it, before dying penniless.
We've been left penniless and with a huge solicitors' bill that we can't pay.
The penniless family moved from a rural Ecuador village to the port city of Guayaquil.
Some accounts say Nicholas was penniless, but if he was he did remarkably well.
It reminded me that there are millions (perhaps billions) of people in this world who are truly penniless.
Penniless, he attended New York City College and finished first in his class.
There are several ways to ensure that you are not left penniless while waiting for a protracted divorce fight.
The penniless newlyweds spent their honeymoon sleeping rough across Europe, paying their way by collecting waste paper en route.
CNN: The cartoonist who kickstarted career in German POW camp
And today, only, I've received another letter from the people escape from Baghdad to Damascus and they are penniless.
His civilian opponents are fractious and penniless, while the former rebel bosses in his government, though rich, are hated by many.
As the boom subsided, his frauds were exposed (or at any rate no longer tolerated) and he died vilified and penniless.
His ship sails off, and he has to make his way, penniless, shirtless, and barefoot, to the far-off American embassy in Kingston.
It's left some, like Ariel Jimenez(ph), nearly penniless their first weeks here.
Gatsby achieved his success because he left his old, penniless identity behind.
FORBES: Paul Krugman Gets Economics Wrong, The Great Gatsby Too
We also were penniless the last time that London hosted the Games, in 1948, but back then, austerity meant something entirely different.
Given half a chance they can still learn from life, just as millions of penniless immigrants do when they land on our shores.
Or was it karma, punishment for the anonymous and penniless way that India's greatest hockey player ever, Dhyan Chand, was allowed to die?
When he was a penniless San Francisco musician, Mark Bittner, the hero of this documentary, became a self-taught parrot authority and bonded with the species.
His childhood was pampered, and even as a penniless exile he had contacts enough to get into the restaurant trade in Piccadilly, rather than Portsmouth.
Siepmann died in 1970, leaving Mary grief-stricken, alone and almost penniless.
Mr Harris, virtually penniless and upset by the break-up of his marriage, decided to set out for China in search of the town mentioned by Dubs.
Thanks to the Web browser, for example, penniless pastors in Africa can walk to their post offices and download sermons and community health tips from Pastors.com.
One such, Bill Graham, was a penniless rock-concert promoter whose San Francisco auditorium the locals wanted to close, saying it lowered the tone of the neighbourhood.
But his rival and, some would argue, intellectual superior, Nikola Tesla , spent his last years feeding pigeons outside New York's Public Library, and died nearly penniless.
From my immigrant grandparents who came to this country penniless and without a word of English, I learned what a privilege it is to be an American.
This "open heart" philosophy has sustained me, as well, through the most difficult of times, including a painful divorce about 20 years ago that left me near penniless.
Thomas Paine - the American and French revolutionary hero and allegedly the first person to write the words "the United States of America", died a penniless drunk in Manhattan.
In Africa and South Asia, discriminatory inheritance customs mean that when a husband dies, his family may grab the property, leaving his widow, who may be infected, penniless as well.
One of the most extraordinary entertainers sport is ever likely to see passed away in misery, penniless and unable to conquer the demons that cut his life so tragically short.