Experts say that all too often when crimes are committed against people of colour the cases remain unsolved.
Many people are not familiar with the concept of hate crime - the idea that the targeting of people because of the colour of their skin, their religious belief, or their sexual orientation is different to ordinary crime.
Launched in January 2012, the UNESCO-USA-Brazil project Teaching Respect for All aims to promote educational responses to counter discrimination and violence through strengthening the foundations of mutual tolerance, and cultivating respect for all people, regardless of colour, gender or national, ethnic or religious identity.
The interesting difference between Intel, AMD and ARM, though is not the clash of people that seems to colour the Intel, AMD relationship.
The Fanon who is likelier to interest today's readers is the doctor who saw at first hand how humiliation and prejudice can affect people on both sides of the colour barrier and who struggled to understand the pathology of ethnic hatred.
Unlike children's stories, which colour many people's view of nature, animals do not necessarily tolerate each other.
"It shows black people now refuse to vote just on the colour of skin, policies such as the war and education also have a big impact, " OBV director Simon Woolley said.
BBC: NEWS | UK | UK Politics | Record number of new minority MPs
"It's really a love story that takes place in the last minutes of two people's lives, " says Living Colour's founder and guitarist, Vernon Reid.
"I am deeply alarmed by the general discrimination and social exclusion many people with albinism suffer, as a result of their skin colour, not just in Tanzania but in other countries as well, " she said.
Experts hope that this will make more people pay attention to those who have disappeared, regardless of the colour of their skin.
There will be lots of natural light, art, colour and it will be much easier for people to find their way round.
Colour Sergeant Gavin Patton of 3 Rifles told her that although "losing people is never easy... their loss will not be in vain and we will continue until we sort this out".
It was not what it was intended for because I went on to say that as a properly meritocratic party we should value people by the contribution that they want to bring to the country, not the colour of their skin not their religion, not who their parents were, not how they speak.
Canon Glyn Webster, acting dean of York Minster, said people would be able to see for the first time the window's "rich colour and artistry".
BBC: Metal York Minster 'orb' displays medieval stained glass