Unassuming in wrinkled khakis and a polo shirt, he is in near perpetual motion.
As a kid trying to play with the perpetual motion machines, how could you create one.
The fact that he uses his spare time to investigate perpetual motion claims is certainly relevant.
The same journalists who laugh at the idea of perpetual motion embrace the voodoo of perpetual prosperity.
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The rest of the time, she was beyond inscrutable, in perpetual motion: cleaning, organizing, cooking meals, going to the store to return this, pick up that.
This creates a sort of government staffing perpetual motion machine, with agencies adding more and more headcount just to satisfy the demands of other government agencies.
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The project is in perpetual motion, more than enough to keep the itinerant Bogliones in one place as they add yet more layers to their thriving enterprise.
We have a perpetual motion machine of continued prosperity upwards.
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Despite the public image of a politician in perpetual motion, Mr Sarkozy can be found in this book in quiet contemplation, staring blankly out of a window, or into the night.
One of my many frustrations of working in Washington is dealing with perpetual-motion-machine assertions.
The directors, Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne, track the young perpetual-motion machine through his small Belgian city, where he pedals, runs, scampers, dives, and climbs past all clutches, and, when cornered, fights with an animal ferocity.