Whether it is faster direct attached storage products, personal or home cloud storage devices or improved enterprise and archive storage consumer applications storage capacity, architectures and transport speeds will continue to grow and develop.
Plug the device into the mains, a router and a hard drive, and it becomes a personal storage cloud.
In essence these devices offer a very convenient personal storage cloud.
The aforementioned apps (available for iOS and Android) will allow owners to look in live at any time, with recorded video automatically stored on the included 4GB SD card, a personal NAS or a cloud storage facility like Dropbox.
At the CES conference in early January 2013 Seagate and Kingston demonstrated their WiFi, battery powered portable storage devices (personal cloud devices).
Canonical's personal cloud service, Ubuntu One, provides storage and media services, file sharing and a secure transaction service which enables partners to integrate their own service offerings easily.
ENGADGET: Canonical announces Ubuntu for smartphones, we go hands-on (video)
Next year, the company plans to launch a cloud-based storage service to add personal content to your music collection, including tracks not in the Xbox Music catalog.
But some steps we take to be more productive, such as setting up a team account on a cloud storage service, or bringing a personal tablet into the office, can inadvertently open holes in corporate defenses.
The Optical SMART Hub helps extend the storage on devices by acting as a personal cloud.
Employees are accustomed to personal clouds that provide easy access to information over multiple devices and IT has embraced cloud services to gain cheaper storage and processing power.
FORBES: The world moves to cloud. Is it time for cloud-based mobile management?
Any unmatched songs are directly uploaded from user's library to the cloud offering 100 GB of storage for all unmatched songs, so users can access rare or personal recordings across their devices.
ENGADGET: Samsung Music Hub launches on Galaxy S III stateside with free trial in tow
It's also more closely tied to the cloud, saving documents to Microsoft's SkyDrive storage system by default, so your documents and personal settings are remotely accessible.
WSJ: Review of Office 365: A Fresh New Office Finds a Place in the Cloud