• The old rumors surrounding Apple-branded personal digital assistants and mobile phones have resurfaced, with little new variation.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • That's what appears to be happening in the mobile-phone business, as companies combine phones with personal digital assistants (PDA).

    FORBES: Ten O'Clock Tech: More PDA Phones

  • The microdrive can be used for storage for digital cameras, handheld computers, personal digital assistants and notebook computers, IBM said.

    CNN: IBM claims world's tiniest disk drive

  • And, unlike today's personal digital assistants, Intel boasts such devices will be able to run PC-class operating systems, such as Windows Vista.

    FORBES: Why Apple Will Go Atomic

  • When laptops, personal digital assistants (PDAs) and cell phones are close by, attendees at workplace meetings struggle to keep their focus on the speaker.

    FORBES: The Myth of Multitasking

  • Manufacturers of personal digital assistants like Palm and Handspring will eventually vie for a piece of that action, perhaps in collaboration with some phone makers.

    CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Phone Wars: Episode 3G

  • The researchers have developed ways to control gadgets, such as personal digital assistants (PDAs) and music players, using 3D sound for output and gestures for input.

    BBC: NEWS | Technology | 'Body talk' could control mobiles

  • One fringe benefit: Security guards who open laptops for inspection for every passenger now waive the tiny OQOs right through--since they consider them personal digital assistants.

    FORBES: Ditch Your Laptop For These Gadgets

  • So it was with a decided lack of enthusiasm that I greeted a sudden flood of PDAs (Personal Digital Assistants--1990s speak for electronic daybooks) across my transom.

    FORBES: Small and beautiful

  • So when a phone clerk said the "World Edition" BlackBerry could keep him connected--even in Japan, a notorious dead zone for Western phones and personal digital assistants--Kozarsky was sold.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Handling data streams in a dozen divergent formats from web pages to Java commands to wireless application protocol (WAP) overwhelms the cheap, simpleminded chips in most cell phones and personal digital assistants (PDAs).

    FORBES: Hardwired

  • The personal digital assistants (PDAs) will also allow road policing officers to issue fixed penalty tickets at the roadside and for this information to be sent electronically to the Central Ticket Office.

    BBC: Lothian and Borders Police are to use hand-held computers

  • The same thing occurred as the cell phone evolved from a substitute for telephone land-lines and handsets to a substitute for cameras, calculators, music players, game players, personal digital assistants and much more.

    FORBES: Don't Throw The Flag: How The FTC Acts Like Replacement Refs

  • It also develops mobile DRAM products that are specialty DRAM memory devices designed for applications that require minimal power consumption such as smart phones, GPS devices, tablets, as personal digital assistants and digital still cameras.

    FORBES: Why Growth In Mobile Devices Will Fuel Micron's DRAM Shipments

  • They were called PDAs (personal digital assistants).

    FORBES: The Big Fix #3: How To Untangle The Mess With Software Patents

  • Jeff Hawkins and Donna Dubinsky , creators of the Palm and Handspring personal digital assistants and the Treo smartphone, have formed a software company built around a powerful and unorthodox vision of how the human brain works.

    FORBES: Building A Better Brain

  • And to make matters worse, the rise of personal digital assistants, palmtops, embedded controllers, etc. promises in the next few years to render the PC industry into a backwater business filled with commodity products--hardly the place to be a pricey innovator.

    FORBES: Apple R.I.P.

  • Since Palm (nasdaq: PALM - news - people ) OS handheld organizers took off, personal digital assistants have become indispensable geek-gear, and now one can do almost anything on the things: keep schedules, play video games, or trade soup recipes.

    FORBES: Backrubs From A PDA

  • From hormones to vitamins, personal trainers to technical assistants, the market for Digital Age enhancers is set to explode.

    FORBES: Digital Rules

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