In a pet store once, I managed to feed a marmoset being kept in a birdcage.
Before running down to the local pet store and ordering your dart-throwing monkey, consider the other side of the story.
In the town square were two gourmet restaurants as well as a local-wine merchant and a pet store specializing in tropical fish.
You name it, I applied for it, including positions as a pet store receptionist, Kentucky Fried Chicken shift worker, pizza delivery boy and cleaner.
Last fall, I was in New Orleans and strolled into a pet store, where I encountered the KoolCollar, which I had not seen before.
Goldstein admits he's no businessman and was losing 12 cents on every dollar until he hired Melinda Miller, an independent pet store consultant, in late 2000.
So whenever I travel, I have trouble passing a pet store without popping inside and checking it out (ditto for bike shops, kitchen stores, and barbecue joints).
"It's becoming a national movement, " says Penny Jones-Napier, owner of the Big Bad Woof pet store in Hyattsville, Maryland, the first business in the US to adopt the new benefit corporation designation.
It makes you wonder: How could this guy have been appointed to manage the risk of a pet store, much less the complex and potentially systemically dissettling derivatives portfolios of a major bank?
Remkus' grandfather William and father, George, purchased the then 5-acre pet cemetery in 1950 after a dying customer of George's grocery store implored him to buy and maintain it.
More slimming-down came in 2002, when Johnson spun off his old pet food business (9 Lives, Kibbles 'n Bits), StarKist tuna, infant foods and store-brand soups into a new company and handed it to Del Monte.
This sort of thing is noticeably absent from Path of Exile, which offers things like special animations, dances, pet companions, and even the chance to create unique items that will appear in the game from the store shop.