Yet a survey by the Pew Research Centre, released on May 21st, shows that Americans still like business.
ECONOMIST: Government v market in America
Only 27% of Democrats support keeping troops in Iraq, according to a recent poll by the Pew Research Centre, compared with 81% of Republicans.
ECONOMIST: A survey of America and the world
In 2007 only 11% of US-born black women aged 30-44 without a high school diploma had a working spouse, according to the Pew Research Centre.
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As Andy Kohut of the Pew Research Centre says, Mr Bush showed at his convention that he could move the needle, while Mr Kerry could not.
ECONOMIST: The presidential election
Republicans have criticised the pullout citing concerns over Iraq's stability, but a recent poll by the Pew Research Centre found that 75% of Americans backed the troop withdrawal.
BBC: US flag ceremony marks formal end of Iraq war role
It is heartening that in a recent poll by the Pew Research Centre, the top three reasons cited for America's success are the constitution, free elections and free enterprise.
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The Pew Research Centre's survey of global attitudes last year discovered that most French and Dutch, as well as pluralities of Britons and Germans, think America is too religious.
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Moreover, a little-noticed poll, issued just before the convention by the Pew Research Centre, showed that voters do not yet seem to believe that Mr Bush is a different kind of Republican.
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Andrew Kohut, president of the Pew Research Centre, sees a parallel with 1981, when polls showed high approval for Reagan coupled with anxiety about his policies, such as cuts to Social Security (government-funded pensions) and welfare.
ECONOMIST: Government v market in America
And food companies don't meet the disapproval in China that they do in the West: according to the Pew Research Centre, while 72% of Chinese think that fast food has made the world a better place, only 23% of Americans do.
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This week the Pew Hispanic Centre, a research institute, released a report arguing that Mexicans, who once accounted for most of the illegal influx, are now leaving the country in greater numbers than they are entering it.
ECONOMIST: Immigration politics