Mr Randell has a physical disability, but has never worked with a disabled workforce.
The remaining third suffer from a variety of health problems, from physical disability to chronic depression.
There are separate awards for pupils who have overcome physical disability, language or social problems to improve their writing.
The federal government runs two separate programs to assist people unable to work because of a debilitating mental or physical disability.
WSJ: High Approvals From Judge Deciding Social Security Disability Claims
The symptoms of ME include chronic fatigue, muscle pains and migraine, but in extreme cases patients can develop a permanent physical disability.
Members of these urban kibbutzim live on the same street, share their income and contribute to local centres for youth, physical disability and Arab-Jewish coexistence.
ComRes polled more than 3, 013 UK adults over three weekends in late November and December, including 600 people with a "long-standing mental or physical disability or condition".
"You might have been able to insult someone on the grounds of physical disability in the past, but that's generally viewed by society now as being unacceptable, " he says.
If somebody isn't behaving correctly, maybe somebody's behaviour is very extreme, it could be due to some mental illness, or physical disability or something like that, people will turn around and say 'it's Jinn.
Respondents who have a longstanding mental or physical disability or condition are less likely than those who have not to say people's perceptions have improved - 65% compared to 79% of those without a disability.
Rett syndrome is a neurological disorder that affects just one in 12, 000 females, according to the NHS. It causes severe physical and mental disability that begins in early childhood.
The disability could involve a physical or mental disorder or an acquired illness that impacts their ability to care for or support themselves.
At the time of the waiver request, the student must have a defined disability documented to diminish both physical and either intellectual or emotional capabilities, does not create a health or safety risk to participants, and does not create a competitive advantage for the team.
Under the law a disability is considered to be a physical or mental impairment which would substantially affect the ability to carry out normal daily activities for at least a year.
BBC: Doubts affect inconsistent police disability statistics
On 1 October, the Disability Discrimination Act will be enforced in full, which means the physical barriers will have to be removed to allow reasonable access to public buildings for all.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | North West Wales | Mirror view for lobster babies
This is known as 'diagnostic overshadowing - whereby a patient's physical symptoms tend to be seen in terms of their mental health condition or learning disability.
He had endured the physical and emotional pain that enabled him to feel the pain of illness, discrimination or disability endured by others.