Shame on us for not making investments in the physical structure our children will inherit.
The researchers said the fungi were at least partly responsible for the more stable physical structure of the organic soils.
Instead of a traditional key stored in the secure element's memory, every single copy of this chip carries a unique fingerprint within the physical structure of its transistors.
The focus of the workshop goes beyond the traditional role of the museum and includes the concept of the entire historic city as a living museum, getting away from the definition of a museum as a physical structure with four walls and a door and includes the cultural spaces, traditional skills, community and other tangible and intangible cultural heritage.
E-tailers are online-only sellers who avoid the heavy cost-structure and overhead of physical retailers.
FORBES: Pre-Tail, E-Tail, to Retail: The New Commerce Pipeline
So people use contracts for differences to do short term speculation in stocks, not physical purchases: moving to another legal structure rather than another legal jurisdiction if you like.
FORBES: Wolfgang Sch?uble Asks for the Worst of all Possible Worlds
There are concerns, however, about the structure of SLV and how much physical silver it actually has in its vaults.
Over longer spans, however, few women have the endurance, the skeletal structure, the muscularity, to withstand the physical brutality of combat.
He says that many people don't understand that the way they structure their thoughts, their relationships, and their physical conditioning will - over time - either promote well-being or contribute greatly to sickness and depression.
The HSBC branch on Manhattan's 14th Street was an imposing structure back in the day when a bank's physical size said something about its balance sheet.
The Smart Grid resists attacks on both the physical infrastructure (substations, poles, transformers, etc.) and the cyber-structure (markets, systems, software, communications).
FORBES: Baking the Smart Grid Books: Study Estimates Costs and Benefits
The structure of the currency and monetary instruments declaration regime, hinges on the existence of a physical object.
FORBES: Department Of Homeland Security To Scan Payment Cards At Borders And Airports