"You're always looking to justify very large multiples with pizzazz from the product line, " says Englander.
Small accent lamps, sometimes with LED bulbs, add pizzazz to bookshelves and fireplace mantels.
There's a lot more to running a company than marketing pizzazz, as Mattel's Jill Barad found out.
Your smile, your pizzazz and whatever charm you have will come through more to the host and producer in-person.
"'Sealed Air' does lack a little marketing pizzazz, " Hickey allows, squeezing yet again.
And so the idea is to add some of that pizzazz to, you know, some simulations that the Army uses already.
"I worked solidly for two days, " Mr Birk earlier told the Online Focus website, noting that the replacement team lacked a little pizzazz.
The car was a dream of GM Vice Chairman Robert A. Lutz, who joined GM in 2001 to bring some pizzazz back to GM's lineup.
So last year Lipscomb added a little reality-TV pizzazz to a Vegas poker match, wiring the tournament with 17 cameras and flashing on-screen personal factoids about players.
He also recruited talented outsiders, luring Shiro Nakamura, a senior designer at Isuzu Motors for 25 years, to come put some pizzazz into Nissan's boring lineup of cars.
Dell was late to adopt the souped-up low-cost chips of Advanced Micro Devices , missed out on mobile computing and failed to put up any new products or applications with pizzazz.
Wanting something with more pizzazz, the market turned to dot.coms.
One could argue that the slow-growth consumer desktop computer market needs more pizzazz to create excitement, but shouldn't a company be advancing the product that's driving its growth most aggressively?
ENGADGET: Switched On: The "i" behind iPod -- innovation, integration, or inertia?
Some of the newer hotels that have raced to open in time for the convention are serving up more variety and a bigger dollop of pizzazz than is typically associated with the famously understated Midwestern market.
Dell was late to adopt the souped-up low-cost chips of Advanced Micro Devices (nyse: AMD - news - people ), missed out on mobile computing and failed to put up any new products or applications with pizzazz.
Dell was late to adopt the souped-up, low-cost chips of Advanced Micro Devices (nyse: AMD - news - people ), missed out on mobile computing and failed to put up any new products or applications with real pizzazz.
And this week George Papandreou, the Greek prime minister, met successful businessmen of Hellenic origin from five countries (such as Andrew Liveris, chief executive of America's Dow Chemical company), in the hope that they could lend their struggling homeland some badly needed pizzazz.
"Clarks are not just for country strolls by the British gentry anymore, " says Seattle tax lawyer Wendy Goffe (a.k.a. the Forbes Footwear Fashionista), who handpicked the following shoes for baby boomers (and others) who are starved for less pain and more pizzazz below the ankle.