The draft plan is due to be published for public consultation in the spring.
BBC: MPs welcome holiday home ban
The plan is expected to be published on 20 June before going to public consultation.
BBC: Stafford hospital: Lanterns lit at night-time protest
The final version of the crime plan is due to be published at the end of March.
BBC: Thames Valley PCC says crime plan targets are 'realistic'
Avon and Somerset police's Police and Crime Plan is set to be published at the end of March.
BBC: PCC Sue Mountstevens rejects police precept increase call
The Commission will now have to redraft the 2013 budget plan, and amended proposals are due to be published by the end of November.
BBC: Budget 2013 debate
Six government-appointed action committees are drawing up a national plan for reforming the NHS, due to be published in July.
BBC: You are in: Health
Last week, the regulator, Ofgem, published its simplification plan, which said suppliers would be forced to have no-frills tariffs, which would consist of a standing charge - fixed by the regulator - plus a unit charge for energy used.
BBC: Huhne calls for consumers to switch energy suppliers
Senator Gorst said the new chapter for the Island Plan would be consulted on when it is published later this month, and alternatives to the policy would be brought through in the budget later in the year.
BBC: Senator Ian Gorst
Proposals published jointly by the two governments included a plan for the IRA to allow photographs to be taken of its weapons being put beyond use in the presence of independent witnesses.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | 'Arms photo reasonable': Ahern
The minister's statement was based on the Transforming Your Care document published in December 2011, which sets out the plan for how health service provision is likely to be developed.
BBC: Residential homes face cut from 56 to 28
To be fair, the latter has acknowledged the efforts of BAPEN and others and published a Nutrition Action Plan last year.
BBC: Viewpoint: Why malnutrition matters