He said that there "is a strong possibility" that the attack was planned well in advance.
But experts say the militants' attack was too sophisticated, probably planned well before Paris became involved with Mali.
Shell began work on its planned well in the Chukchi Sea, about 90 miles off the Alaskan North Slope, on Sunday.
Either I planned well, or I should take maternity leave more often!
FORBES: And Then Came Baby #2... Balancing Motherhood and Entrepreneurship
Although planned well before the current financial crisis, this is the kind of small, focused exhibition visitors can expect in the coming year.
Nowadays, with the tremendous increase and variety in Gourmet Food Trucks, and various ordinances having been passed, the locations are often planned well in advance and listed on numerous websites.
The drifting chunk of ice, more than 32 miles long by 12 miles wide, forced the drill ship Noble Discoverer to move off the planned well as a precaution, company spokesman Curtis Smith said.
You know, not terribly well planned, well thought out changes.
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And if someone worked especially hard and planned really well, he or she might eventually be able to acquire more land and make a more prosperous life for his or her children.
FORBES: End the 19th Century! Treating Employees Like Owners
The company said it planned to open 130 to 140 new Gap International stores, up from the 120 to 130 previously planned, as well as 150 to 160 new Old Navy stores, up from the 120 to 130 previously planned.
Analysts say the assault on the gas facility was well-planned and would have required advance research, as well as possibly inside help.
Longhua was built quickly, and its layout wasn't well planned, says Mr. Lee, the plant director.
In its verdict on Thursday, the court noted that the attack had been well planned.
BBC: Denmark cartoon trial: Kurt Westergaard attacker jailed
"Baby boomers want an opportunity that is well planned and has a clear impact, " says Scannell.
Our ability to create a scaled program with efficiency was well planned, but the response was almost unimaginable.
The Audit Office said an investigation into the awarding of contracts for road signs was not well planned.
Samsung is a large enough company that it may have other surprises, such as new smartphones, planned, as well.
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Det Con Carly Humphreys said large quantities of cigarettes, alcohol and cash were stolen in the "well planned" break-ins, beginning on 24 January.
It looks bleak for our men unless the partnerships are well planned out and a few players return to something like their best.
It emphasizes to take relevant policy measures, create well planned programmes and sustained allocations to ensure that effective learning opportunities are provided to those without learning competencies.
We may be in store for more difficult times ahead so following a well planned strategy with thoughtful choices will help investors stay on track.
Passing sentence, Sheriff Joseph Platt said the frauds were "well planned" and that because of the gravity of the offences that "only custodial sentences are appropriate".
We wish to reassure you the transition is well planned, extremely mindful of the unavoidable impact on our staff and respectful of our readers, advertisers and business partners.
Hacker attacks on Sony, PBS.org, and Honda Canada, fill the news while what is evidently a well planned and executed attack on the Defense Industrial Base using previously acquired RSA SecureID seeds is underway.
This was well planned by Pakistan.
BBC: India anger over Sarabjit Singh attack in Pakistan jail
They planned and executed well.
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But unless there is some counterweight to the warlords and drug lords who have bullied ordinary Afghans for the past decade, there is not much hope that tribal assemblies, however well planned, will be able to unify the country and set it on the road to recovery.
His client was right about the fire system, inadequate to deal with the well-planned fire.
But each individual year is fraught with quirks of weather that can upend well-planned vacations.
FORBES: Muni Bond Manager's Journal: Seasonal Affective Disorder