" Gross, the platoon leader, called this mind- set "protect the innocent, punish the deserving.
The platoon leader and sergeant were assigned from the company, and of course were white.
He was a platoon leader with the 101st Airborne in Baghdad and an operations officer with a reconstruction team in eastern Afghanistan.
Like the Afghan police, Qasim, the Afghan platoon leader, had no radios.
Platoon leader, Lieutenant Miller, listed the challenges facing the transfer of power.
In April 1945, as a lieutenant and platoon leader, he was leading his men against a heavily fortified German line of defense in Tuscany, Italy.
The mission, called Operation Strong Eagle I, was to clear the Ghaki Valley in Kunar Province in eastern Afghanistan of entrenched insurgents, said his former platoon leader, Capt.
Another was a young platoon leader severely wounded by enemy fire, who went on to become a great United States Senator: my friend and longtime colleague Bob Dole.
Having served as a platoon leader in Germany, he completed his officer training and was posted to Fort Bragg, North Carolina before returning to the Middle East for Operation Desert Storm in 1991.
LaValle, a West Point grad, former Army infantry platoon leader and Afghan war veteran, has dived head-on into the life of start-ups along with Tian He to launch Gojee.com, a food technology platform.
Hutchins' lead defense attorney, Richard Brannon, countered that the actions of Hutchins and his men was "a failure of command, " alluding to allegations that their platoon leader's rough handling of some detainees sent the wrong message to the Marines.