For two hours we've been watching the Belgian police play cat and mouse with this group of English fans, and finally they trapped them in the narrow streets near the Grand Place in Central Brussels, then they charged and attacked them.
But he has emphasised in the past that it is not his job to play cat-and-mouse with the Iraqi regime, and that no number of inspectors can substitute for Iraq's willingness to co-operate in its own disarmament.
ECONOMIST: Dealing with Iraq
"I did play a bit of cat and mouse with them for a few days, " admitted the singer.
BBC: Noel Gallagher turned down Olympic closing ceremony
It's hard to think of a single good reason for Palm to implement iTunes syncing in webOS by spoofing the iPod, and then to play this cat-and-mouse game of hacks and workarounds with Apple.
ENGADGET: Editorial: Palm, iTunes, and the ties that don't bind