But have you ever heard of the word "pun", a play on words?
WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing
So, it's kind of a play on words in his - a play on words - a creative word play that he was doing here.
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The term is a play on words, of course, and an example of the old marketing trick of avoiding the baggage of one phrase by inventing another.
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The group is also known in longer form as Lulz Security - where "Lulz" is a play on words of the popular internet phrase "lol", meaning "laugh out loud".
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Deevy wrote complex characters, and the irony within this play often depends on actors projecting emotions without words.
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With facial characteristics, better intonation, programmed responses to our motions and words, robots now are machines that play on our instincts to communicate and connect.
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The battles are relayed as breaking news on television screens and messengers' words in the play are at times voiced by newsreaders.
To some degree, the time people were using to play first-person shooters on consoles has been sucked up by people playing Words With Friends or Temple Run 2 on their mobile phones.
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In other words, only people who are already fit and healthy want to play the game on the open web.
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In other words, the economy has changed in a way that allows the most talented to play on a larger stage to a larger audience.
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