MEPs will vote on resolutions relating to the debate at a future plenary session.
But it was brought forward to Thursday's plenary session because the news had leaked out.
At the final plenary session, the participants will summarize the session and adopt their decisions.
On the sidelines of the plenary session, the Director-General met with Polish President Komorowski.
The only items tabled for Wednesday's plenary session were Tory motions that criticised the Welsh Labour government.
But even at the first plenary session this week, controversies began to cut through the congratulatory platitudes.
Finally, a Special Plenary Session on Tunisia will examine the way forward for the media in the country.
Speaking in a plenary session at the Senedd, Mr Griffiths confirmed the the creation of the single body.
There's an opening plenary session and a working dinner that night where the leaders will discuss the global economy.
The President will then attend the first plenary session of the G-20 Summit.
The vote of 107 to 14, with 52 abstentions, was greeted with cheers at UNESCO's plenary session in Paris.
Leaders from China and Estonia used their five minutes in the plenary session to announce ratification of the Kyoto protocol.
The criticism from Italian liberal MEP Niccolo Rinaldi came during a debate in the Strasbourg plenary session on 26 September 2011.
On the margins of the plenary session, the Secretary-General held bilateral meetings with some of the leaders gathered for the Summit.
The internal mid-term elections of the European Parliament took up the first couple of days of the first plenary session of 2012.
MEPs debated the budgetary priorities for the rest of the EU institutions, including the Parliament's own budget, during the February plenary session.
The last mayor to address the United Nations was Vincent Impelliteri in 1952, who spoke to the first plenary session of the General Assembly.
And at the Sept. 23 plenary session, no less than Michel Camdessus, managing director of the Fund, took up the cudgels for open markets.
Committee deputy chairperson David McNarry urged the elected representatives on the assembly commission to give their view in the following Monday's assembly plenary session.
Last fall, I had the privilege of being a plenary session keynote speaker at a Faithful Readiness conference sponsored by the Department of Homeland Security.
The Parliament's plenary session endorsed this position 279-259, with 22 abstentions.
The highlight of the morning was a plenary session led by President Nicolas Sarkozy of France on the role of the G20 in global governance.
The letter was read out during a plenary session of the upper house on Tuesday, and would be discussed by MPs next week, Mr Singbeh said.
At the height of the political row around the organisation, PAC chair Darren Millar had asked, during the Assembly's plenary session, whether Awema had "run its course".
Labour AM Mick Antoniw was one of those who did not attend the tributes, which opened the assembly's first plenary session after the Easter recess on Tuesday.
The second reading debate on revisions to the so-called WEEE Directive took place during the plenary session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg on 18 January 2012.
At a plenary session in the Senedd chamber last Wednesday, AMs endorsed a report by the assembly's standards committee which said she had brought the institution into disrepute.
Plenary session discussions will focus primarily on the impact of the economic crisis on education and address many of the persistent problems that limit access to education for large sections of society.
On Saturday, Jobbik leaders denounced the WJC, whose plenary session was being held outside Israel only for the second time since 1966 to focus attention on rising anti-Semitism in Hungary and across the continent.
The only pieces of business tabled for Wednesday's plenary session in the Senedd are Tory motions which accuse the Labour Welsh government of "abject and persistent failure" in health, education and on the economy.