One massive hyena will finally break from the pack and plod up to take the meat.
Like their counterparts in the West, many workers groan about having to plod on for longer.
Several big projects to reduce traffic congestion in Bangkok continue to plod ahead.
"Frankly, looking at some of these cases it looks to me as though Plod needs to come in, " he told Sky News.
But something in the American project foils or escapes him, and the new work tends to plod where it should shiver and creep.
Mr. Ogren's pedestrian conducting tends here to plod rather than soar.
So Mr. Henen sometimes demonstrates to troops how he soaks the reptiles in a pool until they drink enough water to plod on with their lives.
WSJ: An Army of Biologists Are on Nature Patrol at Military Bases
Looking ahead, managers expect EBITDA to grow modestly in the fourth quarter and into 2013, assuming the U.S. economy continues to plod along, as most experts expect.
But our technology arguments diverge from disagreements about music and religion in that we have numbers and statistics to fuel things along, allowing the arguments to plod forward seemingly forever.
This ability would allow a quantum computer to do the mathematical heavy-lifting required for, say, cracking secret codes, while even the fastest and most advanced supercomputers plod along on the same problem.
Now that I have fizzled out, I still enjoy putting on art that I like and introducing new artists to our visitors, so I hope it makes it worthwhile to plod on.
Ministers were well aware that the latest official statistics on England's house-building were due for release yesterday morning and their contents but, rather than contrive to coincide with the most recent data, the prime minister and his deputy invited the cameras to watch them plod through the mud of a housing development precisely 24 hours earlier.